
Sunday, 20 July 2014


There are very few States in the world today who do not recognize Israel as a Country and it's right to exist as a State. There is but only one, Nuclear Armed State which openly proclaims this, and that is Pakistan. In fact, Israel is the only country in the world Pakistan refuses to acknowledge and does not allow it's nationals to travel to the same. The basis of this unique situation are historic, religious and humanitarian. The Pakistani population in general views Israel as an apartheid regime created by the western world to keep dagger drawn at the oil rich middle east while the Zionist regime is given a free hand with moral and material support to keep on conducting half a century old systematic genocide of the indigenous population in the greatest land grab in the history after the genocide of the Red Indians and the Aboriginals by the whites.

What makes this scenario highly interesting is the fact that the Israelis appreciates the Pakistani position to be fatally detrimental in a case they are pitched up against the whole Muslim world. The only Muslim country with Nuclear Arsenal and the means to target Israel is Pakistan and keeping the same at bay is hence fundamental to the Israeli designs in the greater middle eastern region. this is what's at play, when the Zionist regime supports the enemies of Pakistan in waging proxy wars and clandestine operations within Pakistan to internally destabilize the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in particular and the whole middle eastern region in general. Pakistan would only look outwards if allowed to attain internal peace. India supported by Israel won't ever permit that through controlling the domestic unrest at Pakistan fulled by the Indian supported clandestine operations and issues like promotion of systematic corruption at Islamabad and designs to turn Pakistan into a dessert by the water terrorism by India. The Indian hegemonic designs and Pakistan as it's only potent adversary in the region makes India the perfect client state for Israel to keep the Pakistanis at bay by keeping them busy in fire fighting ignited by the Israeli-Indo nexus of terror. Now let's face it, that the domestic power dynamics of Pakistan based on exploiting religion, sect, ethnicity and tribal code of loyalties is in direct support to all the clandestine operations launched to destabilize the country. Any wise enemy of Pakistan having the means and will to research and exploit these stated fault lines can easily do so, and the Israeli wisdom with Indian shrewdness is what's at play here too. So that is Israeli game plan in association with India to keep Pakistan busy in internal strife and keep hostage it's progress and prosperity which may lead to a collective conscious by Pakistan to take on Israel by all means possible, may it be military ones. This MOSSAD-RAW alliance is actively engaged in an anti Pakistan clandestine black ops to destabilize the nuclear armed Islamic Republic with the ultimate goal to neutralize the nuclear potential of the country with the Afghani Intelligence KHAD on board now.

Would this Israeli-Indian unholy alliance succeed in attaining its objective is the question needs to be answered first. Let's see, they are trying with all their might and the resources of the Global Zionist Empire at their disposal ever since the Cold War ended and the "Pressler Amendments" by the US under the AIPAC auspices opened the war to neutralize the Pakistani nuclear capabilities. The global corporate media termed and projected the Pakistani nuclear capability as the "Islamic Bomb" which is at the risk of falling into the hands of the Islamic Extremists any time. The Israelis practically tried to attack the Pakistani Nuclear Research facility through the Indian soil only to be deterred by the timely detection by the Pakistani Intelligence and a stern warning to the Indians that any move as such may result in mutual annihilation and a nuclear holocaust. The Israeli Air Force war planes were thus not accorded clearance to launch such a strike while they were ready to attack Pakistan from the Indian Air Force Base at the Indian Held Kashmir. The failure to openly engage Pakistan forced the Israelis to support the Indians in launching a clandestine war against Pakistan through the comprehensive human intelligence network of India at Pakistan to maintain instability in Pakistan while ultimately achieving the objective to de nuke Pakistan. This war has been able to achieve only the earlier stated goal of creating instability at Pakistan but that too with limited effects. The clandestine war to destabilize Pakistan has been countered by the Pakistani Armed Forces, Intelligence agencies and above all by the Pakistani population who fails to submit to the tactics of terror targeting the integration of their country. The indiscriminate terrorist acts of violence against the general population has seen the resolve of the Pakistani public grow while amazing the world in general and the enemies of Pakistan in particular on the mammoth "punishment taking ability" of the Pakistanis who are willing to sacrifice even more with every passing act of cowardice may it be by the "dogs of hell" as they call the Pakistani Taliban funded by the Indian RAW or other "international ideological mercenaries" hired by the Indo-Zionist alliance. Pakistanis tolerate all this and fight back while remaining steadfast only to "strike back" at an appropriate place and time while maintaining fool proof security of their nuclear arsenal which is increasing in strength and technology every passing day along-with its delivery systems.

Should this scare the Israelis or not is the next question in line. While Israel continues its clandestine war against Pakistani Nuclear Capability on the Indian shoulders with the US witnessing as mere silent spectator while their bases at Afghanistan are used for the clandestine operations by Israeli Mossad in this regard. May it be the US wish to keep Pakistan mum for their own reasons or the deeply ingressed Zionist influence at Washington, in either case US knows that till such time, the Pakistanis are kept busy in fire fighting domestically, they won't look outwards. However, at the same time the Israelis know this for a fact that while Pakistan will never support Iran in an all out manner in case of foreign aggression, the same does not hold true for Suadia Arabia where lies the Muslim holy site of "Kaaba". The Pakistanis have sworn and are under agreement to defend Kaaba at all costs. The only way Pakistan will use it's total military might including the Strategic Forces against any party internationally other than India will be an aggressor targeting the Kaaba. So the equation "for now" is very simple, keep away from the kingdom of Suadia Arabia which is in any case under the heavy influence of the USA to avoid a direct confrontation with Pakistan. The Suadis also acknowledges this fact while they openly proclaims to posses an "Atomic Bomb", which when asked lies where?, is dramatically answered by them as "where else but Pakistan"...............

To conclude I must quote the well established reality of International Relations, where the only thing certain, is the uncertainty of events and it's repercussions. A scenario where the House of Saud is either ousted or forced to act by the fear of the same against the Israeli aggression and genocide they are conducting on to the Palestinians, the tables will turn for sure. Any direct military confrontation between Israel and Suadia Arabia and Co at the Middle East will automatically drag the Pakistanis in the latter's camp if the Israelis decide to target either Makkah or Madina. And with the Pakistanis comes along the Pakistan's Strategic Armed Forces and all three services pitched against the Israeli Defence Forces, the only formidable match of the latter around the globe.................... The Game Continues.................                                                        


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. EXCELLENT analysis. I couldn't have said it better myself. Try to elaborate using your more informed view on the role of Mosad and RAW and to a lesser more discreet degree CIA causing civil unrest in Pakistan. It would also be interesting to hear about the recent Indian currency found on the terrorists being targeted in the northern areas. Looking forward to your next piece.

    1. Thank you very much for the words of appreciation and understanding.

  3. Excellent attempt on a rather elusive issue. I doubt that Saudis will ever be beholden to take a bold step against hawkish mindset of Israel. While most of other Muslim countries are lulled in a state of oblivion, Pakistan may not prove to be dismissive.

    A humble suggestion on a lighter note; try changing the name of your Blog as what is professional cannot be same time termed as novice…….:)

    1. Thank you Eisa for the considerate comments as always. Your suggestions as you can see are highly valued.
