
Sunday 13 December 2015

World War III

The recent Paris attacks were explicitly termed as a part of  World War III by most importantly, the pope of the catholic church. What's important to note about the statement of the pope is that, he did not say it was the beginning or path to the world war, but a part of World War III. This clearly highlights the thinking of the Western Christian world which views their war against radical Islam as the great war number three. The merits and analogy of this view point is debatable, but this view point holds an extensive following in the Western world which is at the forefront of waging this war that is spread across the globe with its epicenter in the Middle East. What's ironic to note here is the fact that this ongoing war is not limited to the Muslim world versus the Christian world as largely perceived but it has all the major global power stake holders directly involved like Russia and her silent supporter, China. As always it is a war for resources and influence required to harness the said resources. The moral cause of this great war had to be created, thus Islamic radicalism became that. Islamic radicalism is the catalyst to the jihadi ideology which spread faster then a cancer in reaction to the US oil wars in the Middle East and North Africa to maintain their petrodollar economic system. The western world see it as being in their best interest to rally behind the US camp owing to their natural inclination. The World War II and the resultant "Marshall Plan", chartered by the US to revive the economy of Western Europe, calls upon the EU to side with the US in its race to maintain the petrodollar which forms the backbone of the US economy and her global ascendancy. China and Russia are openly contesting in this great game too by claiming their fair share in the global resources and economic hierarchy. All these potent forces require a play field to prove their potency and the Middle East is that playing field of choice for a while, but more so in the recent past and present. This great power game is being played with unprecedented force with fire and blood in the Middle East affecting millions of people's lives like those in Iraq and Syria.The Libyan desire to do away with the petrodollar got them in the mess they are today and Qaddafi had been eliminated due to daring the US and the West with the threat to sell the Libyan oil in currencies other than the US Dollar and for initiatives in the African Union to take a stand against the plundering of African resources by the west.

Islamic radicalism and resultant terrorism has directly bred out of the reckless US led Western wars in the Middle East for enforced democracy. The idea might have been sold to the indigenous average IQ majority population in the western world, in particular in the US but its no more then a joke in the eastern world. The US wars fully backed by NATO were wars for resources like oil and an effort to maintain the petrodollar status by the US. These wars saw the merciless killing of millions of innocent people in the Middle East. These wars were based on fabricated sham like the WMD in Iraq and democracy for Middle East. These wars were sold to the western population through systematic propaganda spreading hate against Islam and Muslims by the global corporate media. These unjust wars for oil and resources to maintain the petrodollar economic order brought limitless misery to the Muslims which in turn fueled radicalism and militancy. This Islamic radicalism brought about by the US led western wars gave birth to the terrorism business thriving on hate against the west for what they did to the Muslim world in particular in the Middle East to satisfy their greed born out of the capitalist system they live in. Excess is the way of living for the capitalist based economies of the west and their economic order. The winners of these wars fueled by greed by the west are the western military industrial complexes, and the global arms and terrorism peddlers irrespective of their nationalities or religions. The US and the west created the Frankenstein which they are fighting with by waging new wars and in the process putting their own people at risk. The problem of terrorism and Islamic radicalism exists in reality and needs to be contained, however it has been created by the Western world through their lust to maintain their economic hegemony. The Sunni Arab world ruled by its oil rich monarchies are on board with the Western world in both kith and kin sharing common interests.

Syria proved to be a game changer in this whole scenario, where the interests of the Western power block collided with the Sino-Russo alliance backed by Iran and allies. The west for the first time in its great game of influence in the Middle East are faced with real challenge. The Syrian question is stuck in the throat like a bone for the Western power block where Sino-Russo alliance are refusing to relent under any circumstances. US/West has made hostilities easily possible by opposing aggressively the Chinese claims to the south China sea and directly confronting Russia in Ukraine.

The future of the global economy lies in Asia pacific and the race to control the Asia pacific's economic order will determine the future balance of power in the global power structure. Western world is working hard at finding allies in Asia pacific while Sino-Russo blocks sits in the very region the west is competing to strengthen their hold in. In this great game of influence, major European powers are forging economic alliances with China granting greater economic influence to China in response to their rightful claim. The Russian military might is backing the Chinese ascendancy to global economic order. US is left with their mighty military power and that's all they have to maintain their global status in a uni-polar world which is fast going towards a multi-polar status. Europe due to its close geographical proximity with Eurasia can ill afford a full blown military conflict between East and West and hence is giving way to the rise of the "Red Empire". The Chinese currency has already joined the global exchange currencies accepted by the IMF for international payments making it as only four currencies acceptable for such transactions.

It seems as if the game of this world war is being fought to defeat Islamic radicalism but in fact is emerging to be a war for controlling the future economic order of the world. The results will depend on the allegiances of the key states in Asia. Countries like India, Pakistan and ASEAN block will define the definite outcome of this great war. So far the balance is in favour of the US/West but it is an unnatural balance which will tilt in the favour of the Sino-Russo alliance sooner than later. Geographical proximity and the "belt and road" initiative by China to connect Eurasia will force the Asian pacific economies to side with the Sino-Russo camp for the sake of their national economies well being. The balance of power will shift from a uni-polar world to a multi-polar one in the
not so distant future.                                  

Friday 13 November 2015

Civil-Military Tussle In Pakistan-Latest

This article was originally published on 13/11/2015 and was forced to be taken down from the blog. However, under the current security scenario of Pakistan, and the initiation of military action against militants and terrorists in Punjab, the article holds valid and extensive grounds to be republished on the basis of the analysis it presents regards security situation of Pakistan.

The politically powerful Army of Pakistan blew the whistle at the inefficient and corrupt civil government to mend ways and get serious in defeating the menace of Terrorism in the country. The cause of the Army's concern is the political patronage afforded to the religious extremist organizations essentially operating in the province of Punjab. Punjab happens to be the bastion of power for the ruling clan of Nawaz Sharif, the incumbent Prime minister of Pakistan. The Pakistan Army views their anti terrorism drive across the country as being directly linked with the anti corruption and accountability efforts in the country. Corruption has become an even bigger threat than terrorism in Pakistan. Corrupt political mafias led under the ruling clan use religious extremist organizations to coerce public votes in their favour and in return provide patronage to these groups. Reportedly, a senior minister in the provincial government of Punjab, heads the umbrella organization over seeing various Punjabi religious extremist splinter groups. These groups are said to be involved in incidents of terrorism and makes money through kidnapping for ransom. This minister is said to be the head of this mafia of terrorists in Punjab with the full knowledge and support of  the Punjabi Chief Minister Mr Shahbaz Sharif, the younger brother of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. It is said that irrespective of the ruling brothers wish to stop this minister, they are unable to do so as the said politician has deep rooted dirty secrets of the party in power at the Punjab and center. The complete bureaucracy and police is subservient to the whims of this minister owing to his official position. This minister reportedly gets away with murder, kidnapping and extortion by controlling the judicial system in the province through sell out judges and police officers. This system suits the Punjabi politicians in power. Those few brave and honest officials who refuse to play ball are either black mailed into submission due to their immediate families being threatened or controlled through the threat of being transferred from the province. Officials putting up a stand against this system and its patrons have been reported to be murdered through the religious extremist militant groups working under the patronage of the said minister at Punjab. Pakistan Army in its successful counter insurgency drive in Pakistan wiping off extremism wants to now focus its attention on the cancer of extremist militant violence in Punjab. This irks the ruling clan who banks on the same religious fundamentalists to hold on to power and dictate terms making them billions in the bargain. For the Pakistani Army it is a matter of Pakistan's survival as a progressive state in the world, and for the ruling political clan it is about their hold on to power which enables them to run their businesses generating billions in revenues.

On the economic front, the government of  Nawaz Sharif is taking unprecedented loans from international borrowers on sovereign guarantees. His brother in law Ishaq Dar, the finance minister terms these loans as the economic success of their government. Pakistani economic growth in reality is singularly dependent on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project, which is still in its infancy, being chartered by the Chinese investment being made under explicit security guarantees of the Pakistan Army. Mega corruption scandals are surfacing in mass infrastructure projects in Punjab which is said to have made billions essentially for the Sharif clan in power and their associates. All these projects are being funded from the borrowed money from local and international vendors. Inflation and price hikes have sky rocketed which is being faced by the poorest of the Pakistani society. These poor masses, under severe financial distress turn to any violent/extremist philosophy sold by groups like the Pakistani Taliban and their affiliates. Under no hope of justice and facing acute poverty, the youth which form the visible majority of the Pakistani population, may be easily led to militancy and there are indicators of such happenings in Pakistan in abundance. The Pakistani Army while appreciating the whole situation deducts that its a time bomb waiting to explode if not neutralized in time. To avoid such a disaster, the inhuman practices in Punjab by the leading politicians not only needs to be curbed, but rooted out for the secure future of Pakistan. However, doing so is viewed by the ruling political clan as the demise of their brand of politics. It's a matter of survival for both Pakistan and the Sharif clan currently ruling it through extortion and terror where required.

There is a consensus among the influential elite and educated Pakistanis that democracy is the only future of Pakistani politics and the Pakistan Army shares this school of thought. Having said that, there is no way under the current fascist political system that democracy has any future in Pakistan. this fascist system is represented by a class of rotten politicians serving self interests rather the country's. Even the democratic watch dogs are compromised with the appointments of corrupt and controversial lackeys of the Sharif regime as their heads. These appointments are supported by the Pakistan People's Party in opposition, which has its own numerous skeletons to hide. Mere cupboards are not enough to hide these skeletons which now need storage houses. Honest officers and other whistle blowers are silenced through the barrel of the hired guns. Injustice prevails in abundance and justice is out of the reach of a common citizen in Pakistan. The general perception of the masses in Pakistan is that the Pakistani judiciary has failed the common man in Pakistan but serves the rich and mighty.

The Pakistan Army recently underwent an internal anti corruption cleansing drive penalizing dozens of officers who made assets without visible earnings to prove. Even Generals have not been spared in this anti corruption cleansing of the Army. The Pakistan Army's higher command have put their own house in order. They have witnessed their young officers laying down their lives in the hundreds during the anti terrorist operations and are now demanding the politicians of the country put their affairs in order or face the music.

The Pakistan Army would support the democratic government of  Nawaz Sharif Clan or any other party until the time that they are not providing patronage to anti state corrupt elements of the society. Corruption and nepotism define the current democratic political system of the Pakistani state which may refine itself in time, however, under the ongoing patronage of the extremist militant outfits in Punjab by the Sharif clan and its cronies, Pakistani federation is under a dire threat. Pakistan Army is under severe pressure from the population and politicians of other smaller provinces where the Pakistani Army operated ruthlessly to root out economic and militant terrorism, to take action in the biggest province of the Punjab. Punjab holds the key to eliminate extremism in Pakistan and avoiding a clean up there would be detrimental to the counter insurgency efforts of the security forces of Pakistan who are paying with blood for their efforts to wipe terrorists off the face of Pakistan . Pakistan Army is demanding an action from the civil government in accordance with the earlier agreed upon national action plan to eliminate extremism and terrorism at Pakistan which requires across the board accountability. Nawaz Sharif's government and the rest of the political elite of Pakistan will not let the same accountability occur at any cost if it is within their power as the same directly affects their own corruption spread over decades. It's a battle of survival for the corrupt politicians of Pakistan and their associates. They are anxiously hearing the warning bells being rung by the Army higher command to clean up their act. The Pakistan Army will get their way one way or the other in the coming days during which terrorists and their political patrons in Punjab will be targeted like the other provinces, whether the ruling politicians likes it or not. They can either cooperate or face the music themselves, either way the Pakistan Army will lead the operation at Punjab. Resisting the anti militancy operation in Punjab by the Sharif clan in power would create frictions which may give way to their ultimate destruction by the very hands which created them in the first place. The choice is theirs, if they want to fight this change and diminish or cooperate with the Army and stay relevant to the power dynamics of Pakistan. Tough choice either way for Nawaz Sharif and Co.

                                                                                                        MAO ZEDONG-                         

Saturday 7 November 2015

Rise Of Hindu Nationalism In India

 In yet another gruesome act of Hindu extremist violence in India, a Muslim senior citizen was lynched to death for the suspicion of stealing a calf. Incidentally cows are worshiped as mothers by the Hindus.  The victim was a government school headmaster and respected member of the society, but that did not deter the Hindu mob, which killed him blinded by hate and prejudice born out of Hindu fundamentalist nationalist ideologies. This incident is not the first but one of many hate crimes committed through mob violence ever since the Hindu nationalist government of Mr Narendra Modi came to power in India. According to a leading Christian rights group, at least 600 such hate crimes occurred in India through such attacks, which took place between the election of Modi and August of this year. One hundred and forty nine of these assaults were against Christians and rest were targeted at the country's Muslim community. The Hindu nationalist government party BJP, led by PM Modi augmented this sad saga of violence by supporting their state governments which passed laws banning the eating of  beef and cow slaughter. It is shocking to know that eating a beef steak in India can get you behind bars in some of the world's worst prisons for up to seven years in a row. The sick Hindu nationalist mentality of the proclaimed secular democracy of India was exposed after this ban on beef, when a Muslim man was killed on the suspicion of storing beef  in his house refrigerator. Not only was the meat stored found to be that of a goat (mutton) after forensic investigation, but the fact that the victim was the father of an Indian Air Force serviceman did nothing to deter the Hindu mob, which lynched him to death. This Hindu fundamentalist majority in India worships cows and even drink their urine as a religious obligation. Ironically, these Bhakts (Hindu fundamentalists) as they are popularly called, belong not only to the illiterate class of Indians but include the well to do educated ones as well in huge numbers. Hindus are in the majority in India, but these fanatic Hindu nationalists treat their own lower classes called the Dalits as untouchables who are treated inhumanely by them. This spell of violence in India is being orchestrated by the militant arm of ruling BJP party known as the RSS. The PM Modi has been a life long member of  the RSS and started his politics from the platform of the RSS. The RSS is now forcing Indian minorities to convert into Hinduism. When they refuse to do so their houses are burnt down, livelihood destroyed and women and children raped and murdered.

Mr Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist party has a history of religious and communal violence. As the Chief Minister of the Indian state of Gujarat, Modi oversaw the massacre of thousands of Muslims by Hindu nationalists. Until Modi became the Prime minister of India due to the votes of this same Hindu nationalist majority, he was banned entry to the USA due to his human rights violations record. The US was forced to grant him entry in grand style because of their newly found fondness for India. The west wants to see India as a counterweight to the ever rising influence of China in the Asia pacific region. Narendra Modi was not elected for his human rights criminal violations in Gujarat by the Indians but for his successful economic model which saw the rise of Gujarat as an economic hub of India and his promise to transform the complete Indian economy on his Gujarat model. However, after more then one year in power, all he has to show is inflated and sometimes flawed reports about the growth of Indian economy essentially published by the western media desperate to show India as the better place to put international investment rather then China. On ground, the Indian exports have decreased and China is still emerging as the top destination for foreign direct investment. Modi projected his brand India by wearing a colourful crafty wardrobe around the world which resulted in him shining on the global map in the eyes of westerners who were as intrigued as a five year old watching a circus act. That however was all it is about when it comes to his performance.

Domestically, after the swearing in of the BJP government in May 2014, India saw a sharp rise in religious and communal intolerance. This situation got so bad that very recently the international monetary rating agency Moody's was forced to flash a formal warning to the Indian government over these issues. However, It was bluntly rejected by the Indians as they felt that it was only the work of a junior analyst at Moody's. The flashy positive economic data published by the leading western economic media out lets like the wall street journal regarding the rise and shine Indian economy turns out to have been questioned for its authenticity and dubious nature by leading international economists including those at the wall street journal itself.  Mr Angus Deaton (British noble laureate economist) criticized the statistics produced by India in Oct 2015. Commenting on the west's deceleration of India being the top growing global economy earlier this year, he mentioned in an interview with leading Indian news channel (NDTV)  that there were "very serious discrepancies in India's economic data... I'm sure some of the growth is exaggerated... One of the things you worry about with statistics is that growth is so much a flag under which recent Indian governments have flown"  He also stated "The national accounts are showing, you know, a huge increase in the amount that people have, year, upon year, upon year, and we are just not picking it up in the household survey". It is highly pertinent to note, that Deaton won this year's Nobel Prize for economics, in part for his work measuring the poverty in India. His words extinguished the hopes the Indians had when they elected the manic Hindu nationalist government, led by a man with a blood tainted record, due to his promises of an economic revival on his so called Gujarat Model.

Hindu nationalism in India has always had a history , but its most recent rise is worrying the secular Indian population in India and abroad. In the past the Sikh population of India fell victim to the same phenomenon and migrated to western countries in huge numbers during the mid 80's. This mass migration occurred after they demanded a separate state for themselves because they were trying to escape the Hindu fundamentalist policies of India. Most recently, a movement of Indian intellectuals has been born. They resist, protest and fight back the cancer of Hindu nationalism which arose after the advent of Modi government to power. Award winning famous Indian writers are returning their honours and awards to the Indian government in protest. One such internationally acclaimed Indian writer, Arundhati Roy said while returning her awards to the Indian nationalist government on Nov 5, 2015, said, "... Today, we live in a country in which, when the thugs and apparatchiks of the New Order of "illegal slaughter", they mean the imaginary cow that was killed, not the real man who was murdered. When they talk of taking "evidence of forensic examination" from the scene of the crime, they mean the food in the fridge, not the body of the lynched man..."
With the chartering of the Modi nationalist government, India saw a rise of Hindu nationalism supplemented by mindless violence. The newly found Hindu macho-ism was not restricted to Indian mainland but it spread fast to skirmishes on the India-Pakistan border resulting in hundreds of casualties on both sides. In the genesis of this rise of Hindu nationalism in India, there is a strong element of hatred directed towards the Muslims of India and neighbouring Pakistan. Pakistan however, unlike the Muslims of India is a nuclear armed republic with strong Armed Forces at her disposal to counter the Indian aggression and that is exactly what it is doing. This rise of Hindu nationalism under Modi's rule in India would expose the world to the risk of a nuclear holocaust in South Asia if remained unchecked. Incidents like the banning of Pakistani artists, international cricket umpire and an attack on a book launch by a Pakistani writer in India are a direct result of this latest rise in the Indian nationalist violence and speaks volumes about the mood prevailing in India among the majority Hindu fundamentalist population.

Under the circumstances, brand India is facing strict scrutiny around the world with its already tarnished image due to a series of gang rapes involving foreign/western tourists. Fundamentalist attitudes are fast becoming mainstream in India. If this dangerous trend is failed to be restrained it will most probably only give rise to schismatic tendencies in India. The country already faces dozens of separatist rebel movements. The huge global Indian diaspora with the support of the western media, fights desperately to control the damage, however mere propaganda won't put this genie back in the bottle. It would require a national consensus in India to address the issue of Hindu fundamentalist violence that the country currently is faced with. If this fails, the Modi government typically may divert the public attention towards and militarily challenging neighbouring Pakistan. That would be a grave mistake that the region can not afford due to the obvious fatal consequences.

India has always desired to be and has been portrayed in the recent past as a tolerant open minded democracy that is in the running to be a world super power. Narendra Modi has single handedly in the space of under two years, managed to prove the two nation theory used as a reason to create the two countries of India and Pakistan. He has also managed to demolish the majority of the efforts made by the people and the leaders that came before him to depict India as a progressive state. Arundhati Roy has managed to paint a more realistic portrait of the India of today with the following words:

We say we have "progressed", but when Dalits are butchered and their children burned alive, which writer today can freely say, like Babasaheb Ambedkar once did, that  "to the untouchables, Hinduism is a veritable chamber of horrors",without getting attacked, lynched, shot or jailed ? ... "         


Monday 2 November 2015

Why Pakistan Should Establish Diplomatic Ties With Israel

Even the idea of asking the question of establishing diplomatic ties with Israel can be deemed as treading on uneven ground. Not many dare to address the subject, at the very least in Pakistan without facing severe criticism spearheaded by the political and religious clergy. Even the mere mention of the name Israel is a huge taboo within the country, let alone acknowledging her existence and discussing diplomatic norms with them. Irrespective of this lets examine the facts here.

  • The State of Israel is a reality in the shape of her geographical existence.
  • The Palestinian people sold their lands to the Jews themselves for the state of Israel to exist.
  • The holocaust did occur and the result was a natural process, in which the Jews required an independent state to live their lives in peace and practice their religion. 
  • Pakistan was created by the Muslims of the Indian sub-continent under similar ideological grounds as the Jews when Israel was created.
  • Israel faces an existential threat from her neighbours just like Pakistan.
  • Israel does commit atrocities on its Palestinian population who refuses to abide by the rule of "might is right". Any country in the world does that to maintain its control, like Turkey does with the Kurd population. 
  • Many Muslim countries have established normal diplomatic ties with the State of Israel including Jordan, Turkey, Egypt and all Muslim Central Asian Republics. 
  • By establishing normal diplomatic channels with the State of Israel, Pakistan would get the means of communications required to fight the Palestinian cause and take up their case directly with the Israeli authorities.
  • If Pakistan can have diplomatic relations with India with whom it has fought three all out wars and with whom they are still fighting a proxy war with, why can't we establish ties with the state of Israel with which we have never fought a war or have any direct conflict?

Pakistan's Israel policy is in fact hostage to our clergy and it's influenced politics to begin with. The universal reply to all the above facts by the Pakistanis is usually under the influence of the false narratives of the clergy, is that by doing so, we would be betraying the Islamic cause. In this instance the Quran will always be quoted: [5;52] O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for friends... This verse is often taken out of context and misused by fanatics. The question to be asked is if this is the case then why does Pakistan maintain deep rooted diplomatic ties with the Christian majority states? For example the EU or most significantly USA, which also happens to be the primary beneficiary of the State of Israel. Pakistan accepts aid and privileges from these countries and the majority of Pakistanis would be more than willing to become citizens of these nations.

The hypocrisy of the Pakistani religious establishments is the biggest reason for not allowing ties with Israel to be established in which Israel is presented to the people as a hideous monster. No Pakistani ever dares to ask their religious leaders the fundamental question: Why Pakistan must never recognize Israel's existence irrespective of having normal ties with Christian states? The answer is because most of these religious leaders and scholars along-with their families reside in these Christian states and benefit from their social welfare systems. Children of these anti Israel religious political leaders from Pakistan study at the top EU/US universities and establish businesses there. If this is so, then why can similar relations regarding diplomacy and trade not be established with Israel?

For how long can Pakistan remain hostage to the influences of  the Arab-Persian proxy wars fought on her grounds? Even though Pakistan is the strongest Islamic country based on it's military, yet it's complete clergy is sponsored and funded by either Saudi Arabia or Iran depending upon their respective sects. The same clergy in turn sells the respective imported ideologies of their sponsors in Pakistan. This creates sectarian strife paid for by the blood of the Pakistani's and spread the anti-Semitic school of thought which strictly opposes establishing diplomatic and trade ties with Israel.

The Palestinians never supported the Kashmir cause while their leaders sided with India more than with Pakistan. Having said that, it does not imply that Pakistan must not support the Palestinians on humanitarian grounds making it even more important that Pakistan has a diplomatic channel to convey her grievances to Israel and put any reasonable pressure on the country. The State of Israel have never directly threatened Pakistan but sides with India under the continuous rhetoric by Pakistani Mullahs who state that: " Israel must be wiped off the map" using Pakistani atomic arsenal. Who are these hard line fanatics humouring with such childish hate mongering? and what reason does Pakistan have to attack Israel?.

Israel holds a dominant geopolitical influence in the Middle East and the strongest possible lobbying strength in the USA. Through the act of antagonizing Israel and not acknowledging its existence, Pakistan is closing her eyes to an established reality. A reality, which won't change but only haunt us more if we continue to ignore it further.

By establishing normal diplomatic relations with Israel, Pakistan would be able to project her soft image in the world while countering the Indian proxy war against Pakistan in which currently Israel indirectly supports India. Pakistan will also gain leverage to fight the case of Palestine more effectively with Israel by establishing direct communications channels through diplomacy with Israel. Pakistan could benefit greatly with the mentioned diplomatic ties with Israel through trade and commerce exchanges as and when such mutual relation flourish.

While it would be too optimistic to expect the deep rooted Israeli lobbying apparatus in the USA to support Pakistan in the beginning, but only the ceasing of any opposition by the Israeli lobby in the USA to the Pakistani causes means rich policy dividends for Pakistan by the US and the west. By establishing diplomatic ties with the State of Israel, Pakistan would send out a strong message to the world, that as an independent strong Muslim State, Pakistan's foreign policy is free of any external influences or dictates.

Although, a very bold and aggressive idea to some, it needs to be adopted positively for the sake of the Pakistani state, which can no longer afford to remain hostage to an extremist fundamentalist ideology which supports intolerance and promotes hatred. The Saudi and Iranian sponsored Mullahs in Pakistan can take their respective agendas and ideologies back to their sponsor states and keep it there. Pakistan must emerge from the shadows of it's past, wherein the Jihadi ideologies used to fight the cold war were promulgated to such an extent that it destroyed the very fabric of the Pakistani society. While Pakistan emerges victorious as the only country in the globe which has been able to defeat a full blown insurgency, it must make its mark by creating an independent foreign policy, free from religious prejudices. As it was the same religious prejudices which got us stuck into this mess of religious fundamentalist terror, promoting a culture of intolerance and hatred.

The benefits of Pakistan establishing diplomatic ties with the state of Israel for all the mentioned reasons and more are fully visible. Israel was created on May 14th 1948, nine months after Pakistan due to the same desire for religious freedom and a homeland created in the name of their respective religions. A paragraph of particularly wise words addressed to the nation of Pakistan by Muhammad Ali Jinnah on 14th August 1947 comes to mind. Although directed towards the country, the actions can also have the desired outcome if extended internationally as well, especially in the case of ties with Israel.

" If you will work in co-operation, forgetting the past, burying the hatchet, you are bound to succeed. If you change your past and work together in a spirit that everyone of you, no matter to what community he belongs, no matter what relations he had with you in the past, no matter what his colour, caste or creed... there will be no end to the progress you will make "     
Muhammad Ali Jinnah  



Sunday 25 October 2015

Pakistan Establishes Credible Deterrence Towards India Through Nuclear Weapons

The state of Pakistan officially announced the deployment of its tactical nuclear weapons program through their foreign office. It was specified that the operational nature of this nuclear arsenal is targeted towards India. It was acknowledged that India has conventional military superiority over Pakistan. This conventional imbalance created by billions of dollars spent by India on defense spending has been rendered ineffective by the deployment of Pakistani tactical or low yield smaller warheads loaded over highly sophisticated and diverse launching mechanisms. The reason for raising the stakes in the South Asian Nuclear standoff by Pakistan is the Indian aggressive designs for the region. Indian offensive designs recently had been directed towards the idea of "quick time" limited multi pronged attacks on Pakistan, gaining grounds while still avoiding the "nuclear threshold". It was termed as "Cold Start Doctrine" by the Indian military. The idea was evolved by Indian Military after their drastic failure to timely mobilize their forces in the Indo-Pak military standoff of 2001-02. The Indian movement were so clumsy that by the time the Indian Army was fully mobilized, Pakistan Army was already at their throats. Indian response was to build forward operational bases(FOB) on the Indo-Pak border to minimize the mobilization time. The "Cold Start Doctrine" plays with the idea of launching an attack on various fronts simultaneously from these FOBs while mobilization is under progress. The other, more sinister response by India was to launch a proxy war against Pakistan, from Afghanistan by hiring the "Islamic Ideological Mercenaries a.k.a Pakistani Taliban". Afghanistan state intelligence apparatus helped India conduct this proxy war within the full knowledge of the US spooks. This situation forced the Pakistani military to move forces away from the Indian front to counter the terrorism onslaught brought upon by Indian money and Afghan intelligence support. This reinforced the Indian "Cold Start Doctrine" which also implies the destruction of Pakistani conventional military capability through sheer conventional superiority of India. Pakistani conventional military force is undeniably the center of gravity of Pakistani State and symbolizes her federation. If India would be successful in her designs and damages the Pakistani conventional forces effectively through numerical advantage, it may break Pakistan's core defense against all odds. Pakistan in such a scenario would become a place which many paranoid Indian influenced analyst try to make others believe, a rogue nuclear arsenal open to the Jihadis. This perceived scenario in Indian assessment would warrant an international intervention to secure the nuclear arsenal hence disintegrating Pakistan as per the ambitious US sponsored Indian chartered "day dreams".

India spent fortunes on their policy of isolating Pakistan through a proxy war killing thousands of Pakistanis and building mega military infrastructure for their "Cold Start Doctrine". Pakistan took the punishment only to prove her resilience and core strength to the world by blunting every Indian move to their face. The Pakistan Army effectively neutralized the Indian hired mercenaries while paying with blood. However, this Indian proxy war made them the world's best counter insurgency force which is writing the actual COIN text book of successful operations. This Indian onslaught changed both the physical and mental posture of the Pakistani military after numerous beatings and years of war. Indian Army on the other hand by and large remains placid and fought their wars on paper.

Pakistan simply neutralized the Indian conventional numerical superiority by making it clear to India and the world, that if India attacks Pakistan, cold or hot, it would be responded by the destruction of every Indian assault formation through tactical nuclear weapons. If India wants to push their main nuclear buttons as a result, then Pakistan possess an effective second strike capability ensuring a MAD(Mutually Assured Destruction) scenario. No body in the world wants that now, do they?.

When it comes to defending itself, the Pakistanis are as crazy a nation as any other you would get out there. The Pakistanis understand and accepts the cost of their defense against the Indian aggression with whom they have fought three all out wars and is currently fighting a prolonged proxy war. The Pakistani nation is ready to pull the nuclear trigger if it comes to that and are strangely comfortable with the idea. The same however, can not be said for the Indians who have much more to loose in every respect in a MAD scenario with Pakistan. Pakistan played their cards well and did the job in millions while dumping Indian billions down the drain they had spent building a redundant military conventional superiority.

The US acknowledges the Pakistani superior geopolitical situation after success in their counter insurgency war. The US however, lacks the clout they once had over this part if the world under growing Chinese/Russian influence. The US owes this situation to herself after losing trillions of US money in it's war for influence in the Middle East and Afghanistan. The US corporate made huge money in the dirty oil wars while it was paid for by the American taxpayers and the loss of American servicemen's lives in the thousands. If only the US had not invaded Iraq under the false pretext of WMD's, they could have succeeded in Afghanistan. However It's not to be thanks to the US corporate greed. The United States now stands to lose their entire influence in the critical region of Asia pacific if it fails to create India as a regional hegemony as a counter weight to the Chinese/Russian influence. As always the US policies are influenced by the corrupt able lobbying system of democratic America which enforces the argument that democracy is seriously overrated under the US model. India possess serious lobbying strength enforced through hard cash in Washington , but the Chinese far superseded Indian's in influence in the corridors of power at capital hill. The US economy is heavily indebted to China hence it can only maneuver behind the curtains as it is doing now to create an allied counterweight to check the rise of the Red Empire. It is not in the Chinese national interest to allow the United States the freedom to let India become a regional hegemony even in South Asia. The Chinese response is a fifty billion dollar investment into the Pakistani economy linked to the China Pakistan Economic Corridor  (CPEC). China also build and operates the Pakistani deep sea port of Gawadar with it's naval presence as allowed by Pakistan. This makes China a direct stakeholder in the security of Pakistan rendering the Indian desire backed by the US ineffective to say the least.

The future of any armed conflict in South Asia is nothing but MAD scenario which can not be afforded by the globe foremost by India. Currently the Hindu fundamentalist government led by Narendra Modi is too short sighted to lead the Indians in these times of changing alliances and is failing it's people by not realising the true potential of establishing peaceful relationship with Pakistan and letting go of it's hegemonic desires. The Indian foreign policy and domestic Hindu thinking have deep routed imprints of a dead man called Chankiya. Until the time the Indians don't come out of the shadows of their past and overcome the fear that they have of the Muslim rulers who were the first to rule united India and did so for centuries, India won't see the modern dynamics of the emerging world. Confronting China for an ally sitting across the seven seas is far worse than co-operating with the same China which happens to be not only their neighbour but also the second biggest global economy fast riding to become the first biggest economy.

Even if India fails to realise the ground realities,it won't change anything. China is emerging as a global super power flexing it's muscles for the first time. Chinese military build over in the South China sea and it's economic/ military investments in Pakistan symbolise the mentioned muscle flexing from across North to South by the Red Empire. It's not only a matter of prestige for China but also a matter of national interest that it proves to the world, it's strength and worth by finishing off what they have already started. Pakistan has gained critical Geo political importance as result of the Chinese aspirations and is completely aligned with the Chinese camp. while the US is still welcome as a partner in the progress of the region, it will never hold the influence it once had. This makes the sponsorship that the US affords to India relatively ineffective. The Indians have yet again been trumped by Pakistan due to the official declaration of the death of their Cold Start Doctrine through Pakistani tactical nuclear weapons deployment targeted at the Indian conventional superiority.

The global economies at present are in favour of The people's Republic of China. The Chinese can be seen to have a deep rooted investment within Pakistan. This interest is also a reason for the desire of peace and security in the region especially in Pakistan. Any threat by India to destabilize Pakistan will be India's direct confrontation with not only Pakistan itself but also with China who's financial investment and interests need to be protected at all costs. India will either have to see this and concentrate on building trade ties with China, Central Asia and beyond like the Chinese belt and road initiative or face economic isolation. However that's where Pakistan comes in as the Indian ground access to most of the said regions goes through Pakistan. Pakistan will never grant the Indians any ground access till such time durable peace between India and Pakistan on equal terms is not established. India can forget about muscling their way in after failure to break the Pakistani resilience in a proxy war and success of Pakistan in nullifying their conventional strength through a sophisticated nuclear arsenal deployment. The sooner the Indians comes to their senses, the better as it is for them. This is not a one of their Bollywood movie which would have a happy ending for them despite choosing the path they are on. The sponsors of Indian aggressive regional designs of hegemony have the least to lose here, but it is India itself which would suffer the most whilst pursuing the anti Pakistan rhetoric.

On the 20th October 1947 in Lahore a  statement was given to the enemies of Pakistan in the shape of a prophecy given by a dying man. In the words of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of the Pakistani nation, " There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan, it has come to stay".  

Monday 19 October 2015

Global Game of Proxies-The New Cold War

The world we live in today has come of an age, where morality needs to be catered for by those in power and their pawns to satisfy the respective electorates/masses. Denial, counter accusations and falsifying facts through electronic media by systematic misinformation campaigns by states are the methods to achieve the stated goal of moral justification of their actions. The use of proxy forces enables the states to deny responsibility of any averse domestic or international public opinion. No matter how solid the proof of a state's sponsorship to any proxy exists, they can always declare such proof as conspiracy theories and dismiss them for their benefits. This ushers the era of hidden proxies commissioned to secure a state's open and underlying objectives. This also provided an opportunity to the mercenaries across the globe to make armed groups up for hire doing highly profitable business of spreading terror without accountability. The favourite ideology being exploited to create and emotionally fuel such proxies by their managers at large is the Islamic Jihadist theory. The theory is being utilized in its most distorted forms across the globe, in particular in the Middle East to run a business of blood and terror by the international ideological mercenaries. These groups are splinter outfits which forms the bigger terror apparatuses like the ISIS/Islamic State under the highest bidder commissioning them for their hidden agendas.

While it is apparent to the various national intelligence apparatuses as to who is working as a proxy for whom, it is also convenient enough for the state commissioning these proxies to deny their involvement at any time and abandon their proxy if things fall apart..

Media mouth pieces like Fareed Zikria and his clan are used by powerful states, in this case USA to spread misinformation like the said current affairs showman's recent piece accusing Pakistan of all the US failures in Afghanistan. Fareed Zakaria or anyone from the US sponsored media will always fail to tell their domestic audience that the Indian support to the Pakistani Taliban as their proxy has always been facilitated by the US. The USA desires to create India as a regional hegemony to counter the rise of China. This desire of the USA makes them blind to the proxy terror outfits India commissions against Pakistan which includes The Pakistani Taliban, Balouch Liberation Army, Balouch Liberation Front and even the funding of democratic militant party like the MQM in Karachi. How does the USA in it's right senses expect Pakistan to trust them in response. Pakistan supports the proxies like the Afghan Taliban in return while China fuels the Maoist insurgency in India. Russia supports the armed rebels in Ukraine under the same principles of this global game of proxies. None of the states mentioned above agree to the well known support they afford to their respective proxies.

The game is further complicated in the Middle Eastern theater with open and hidden proxies operating on the instruction of the USA, KSA and Arab monarchies, Turkey and Iran and Russia. The list to who supports whom and denies to support which groups is long and tedious. Every one is striving for influence in the oil rich region with the US fast loosing grounds after futile trillion dollar wars in Iraq in particular. Russia and Mr Putin is the new king on the ground in the Middle East whether the US likes it or not.

Afghanistan was never about democracy or a war on terror to begin with as the neutral observers note. It was always a Geo-strategic maneuver by the US to deploy forces in the very backyard of Russia and China. Afghanistan is the gateway to the energy rich Central Asian Republics but not without Pakistan which affords Afghanistan the access to seas being a land locked country. The only other access Afghanistan has is through a much lengthier route through Iran.

While the US and her allies in the "global game of proxies" are spending fortunes supporting groups like the rag tag Afghan Northern Alliance war lords or proxies in Syria opposed to the Assad regime, Russia nullified these humongous investments through one swift blow. This proves that if a state openly confronts these proxy mercenary outfits, only a few of these globally have the capability to survive. The said survival is essentially based on the geographic and terrain configurations of their dispositions. Afghan Taliban continues to thrive irrespective of the US Armed Forces open assault against them. This is due to the close geographical support from neighbouring states like China and Pakistan and also part due to the mountainous terrain giving them excellent cover and hideouts for men and material. The East it seems is winning the "Global Game of Proxies" so far.

The situation in this war of proxies is highly unfavourable for the US camp as the US corporate greed bogged their government down in the "Oil Wars" which essentially benefited the corporations at the cost of US monetary deficits and loss of US servicemen's lives in the thousands. It only matters to the US domestic audience for what their government is selling them to believe, however it's clear as crystal to the outside world. The USA has fallen from grace and fallen hard. The Russia-China camp is thriving and winning key alliances of key states which really matter in this global tussle. Pakistan has pledged direct allegiances to China hence partly enters the Russian camp. The Arab monarchies are fast loosing clout owing to domestic conditions not favouring their rules while global oil prices have introduced the term of budget deficits to them. The UK in an unprecedented move have joined the Chinese economic camp which will ultimately force them to support Chinese rise in the Asia Pacific much to their American cousins dismay. Things are not looking good for US who is placing all their bets on India to steer their objectives in Asia pacific. India on the other hand is being led by a psychotic leader Mr Modi who thrives on religious extremism. All the US based western financial institutions are making India look like an up and coming economic powerhouse of Asia, but the institutions in Asia who control the actual money do not buy the rubbish their western counterparts are selling regarding India. India has thousands of miles to travel just to rival China and her influence in Asia and only Pakistan with her nuclear arsenal is enough to keep the Indian hegemonic designs supported now by the USA at bay.

The USA's key allies in the Middle East being KSA and other small Arab monarchies are holding on to power in their sand castles which won't hold if full blown averse winds start blowing from the aggressive posturing by Mr Putin which will ultimately be supported by China and her allies. The only credible Muslim Military is unwilling to support or act as a proxy of the Arab monarchies as displayed by the popular slap of refusal to send Pakistani Military by the Pakistani Parliament to fight the war in Yemen at the Arab's insistence. If the Arabs think the Indian or any other western military like the US will come and fight their wars, then they must consider the internal instability they would face by such actions allowing the forces that are considered infidel by their indigenous populations. As for fighting their wars themselves, the Arabs need decades of military training and competence to achieve the minimum desired level in using the expensive war toys they bought from the west/US. The Arab rulers know this well enough and therefore support proxies extensively to fight their war of influence in the Middle East essentially fought versus Iran.

Iran is a success story in this "Global Game of Proxies". Even though they used minimum money they have achieved maximum influence through ideology to support their proxies. Iran provides moral, material and personal support to its proxies like "Hizbullah" for example. Iranian proxies enforced through ideology and controlled through Iranian military personal in their midst are very different then the Sunni ideological proxies. Like the latter, the Iranian proxies are not up for sale to the highest bidder but operates like an institution with solid organization and discipline. All other proxy setups in the globe lack the resolve and sustenance of the Iranian proxies. Iran is already in the Russian camp in a conflict of influence between US camp and Russo-Chinese camp, may you call it the new cold war or The Global Game of Proxies.

The future of the global economic powerhouse depends upon who controls the Asia pacific as the next century belongs to the same power who is able to do so. The USA acknowledges the same and in coalition with her allies is playing the New Cold War or The Global Game of Proxies to maintain their uni-polar status in the world. However, the US economy can not afford her grand desires. Key US allies are forging their independent economic alliances with China. Regional organizations like "SCO" and economic institutions like "AIIB"(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) are shaping the future of Asia pacific under the Russo-Chinese designs. The US and her subordinates like India will either follow suit or suffer in silence ultimately. This is a war of superior politics and the traditional ideological alliance of Russia and China is winning it discretely with the support of many small but potent allies and proxies as such. To conclude, in the words of the great Chinese philosopher statesman Mao Zedong:-
                     "Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed"                         


Wednesday 30 September 2015


Tragic scenes in Saudi Arabia in yet another Haj Stampede in which thousands were killed and many more injured. The incident managed to expose the injustices and fallacies committed by the ruling clan of KSA, the royal house of Saud. Their prejudices and wrongdoings are well known but many turn a blind eye due to one reason or another, the main reason usually being fear of the totalitarian regime and their harsh punishments. The tragic accident highlighted the ugliness of the situation. The religious tourism business in Saudi is generating billions of dollars for the House of Saud and their plan for expansion of this lucrative trade is defacing the archaeological identity of Muslim Holy city of Mecca. More so, the operational mismanagement in particular during Haj season is costing the lives of the pilgrims from all over the world. These people pay huge amounts of money to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in order to fulfill their religious obligations but are still faced with difficulties and racism.

The stampede on this years pilgrimage caused around 1400 deaths.Iran among other nations blame the stampede on the Saudi royals movement which forced the closure of an exit resulting in the incident. However the Saudi government laid the blame on the pilgrims for causing the stampede themselves. The information wars go on, raising questions that are still not being answered by the rulers of the Islamic holy land.

  • Why is there  consistent repeated failure in managing the pilgrimage?

  • Why, despite this repeated failure causing the tragic loss of lives are the Saudis only concentrating on expanding their billion dollar religious tourism business ?

  • Why are healthcare facilities the least priority in the 60 billion dollar expansion of Mecca that focuses on the hotel industry alone?

  • Finally, why is the concept of human rights and freedom of speech in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia bottom of their governance priority? 

The only answer to all these questions from the House of Saud and their paid clergy is that it is their God given right to rule their lands as they please. The Arab cultural arrogance is automatically displayed once it comes to answering questions like this.

The kingdom's crisis management inevitably always resorts to information and media blackout, however, on this occasion hajis (pilgrims) on their return to their respective countries are challenging the Arab's claim to divinity. There is a general feeling of disgust and displeasure towards the Saudi regime for the first time ever among the conservative Sunni Muslims. This dust won't settle easily for the House of Saud and their minions operating around the globe.

The house of Saud held a clout over the Sunni Muslim world through funding their religious schools and their religious leaders in each respective country. The establishment of mosques around the globe funded by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and similar investments buy them this leverage to maintain dominance over the Shia Muslim religious establishments similarly led and funded by Iran. Iran on the other hand, irrespective of all its troubles is winning the war of influence through ideology and the info wars. The credit of this advantage to Iran in the Arab-Persian conflict goes to the inefficiency and mismanagement of Saudi Arabia by her rulers who have in turn employed equally inept managers to run their Kingdom's affairs. Iran is fully utilizing the opportunities provided by the Saudis by exposing the fragile nature of perceptions about the Houses of the Arab Royals.The nature of the armed encounters in this great Middle Eastern war of influence between the Arabs and Persians is written in blood and terror, however that's another tragic story.

Arab Royals live overly extravagant lifestyles around the globe. Some of them even commit felonies abroad and get away with them by leaving in their private jets and using their billion dollar individual assets. The western world is their summer play ground while the rest of the year they enjoy the palaces and estates in their kingdoms run by expats who are treated like slaves. They are given state level protocol by the Muslim countries they visit and whose leaders they fund and many hold shady business empires made over the oil money all around the globe.

The lower oil prices have fundamentally created the first ever budget deficit at the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This called for the diversification of the Saudi economy which is heavily dependent on the oil revenues. As a result the most profitable diversification of the Saudi economy is in the shape of expansion of the Haj and Umra pilgrimage business. The Muslim holy pilgrimages in Mecca and Medina form the top tourist destination globally. It is not only the most frequented  place visited by religious tourists, but also promises to hold this status for the foreseeable future. It can be seen as an excellent business plan, hence its execution by the House of Saud even at the cost of death and misery of the very people paying to keep the business running. The focus of this religious tourism business is the hotel industry while unforgivably neglecting the healthcare and fire and rescue facilities required to run this mega operation that generates their billions in profits.

It is known as the hospitality industry around the globe but hospitality is the least displayed trait here except to those who are the guests of the ruling house or their paid clergy.The difficulty in concealing this matter is apparent on this occasion .They will have to invest in the healthcare and mass management apparatus providing adequate emergency and rescue services matching the nature of the biggest and most congested human gatherings in the world. They will have to address the problem areas highlighted repeatedly if they don't want to be forced to answer the questions that they are not answering still. They will have to improve their present management and change their attitudes which seems highly unlikely.

The Saudis need to realise that the world they are living in today is a global village with access to the majority of information and incidents. They will loose their authority, prestige and influence if their attitudes fail to change. The Pakistani parliaments refusal to send the Pakistani Army to Yemen to fight for the Saudi empire is just the beginning. It predicts the loss of dominance of the house of Saud in the Sunni Muslim world if they fail to mend their ways. The Saudis in their arrogance are not making or keeping friends they desperately require to sustain their kingdom's influence around the globe and domestically. Much to their dismay, democracies around the world are debating the Saudi behaviour . These democracies include the Sunni majority Muslim countries, including Pakistan, Indonesia and Bangladesh. Uncomfortable questions are being asked which will have to be addressed by the Saudis at some point, whether they like it or not. The mirage is finally being seen for what it is.                                                   

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Impediments To India-Pakistan Peace - Distorted Perspectives

The South Asian nuclear armed republics of India and Pakistan are daggers drawn yet again. No surprises there. The hawks from both sides are spitting fire at each other as usual. The Indian government led by Modi is hell bound to create all sorts of troubles for Pakistan, whereas the Pakistani side under its powerful Army Chief General Raheel Sharif is replying every Indian move with an equal audacity if not more. The world realizes that any limited or full scale war between India and Pakistan has the sure potential of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) scenario under the nuclear warheads both countries possess. Any such eventuality will have a global effect far beyond South Asia, and complete world would suffer directly or indirectly. The genesis of this conflict dates back to the bloody partition of both countries  in 1947 and the creation of two independent states after almost two centuries of British rule. The state of Kashmir remains to be the principle bone of contention ever since partition of both countries which fought three all out wars since then. Both countries are still engaged in a cold/proxy war even as of today. UN resolution on Kashmir calls for a plebiscite to decide its final settlement. Pakistan calls for the implementation of the UN resolution for the settlement of the conflict knowing fully well that the Muslim majority population of Kashmir will opt for Pakistan and India on the other hand refuses out-rightly to abide by the UN resolution on Kashmir due to the same reason. Hence, Kashmir remains as the unfinished agenda of India-Pakistan partition.

The resolution of Kashmir conflict and other bilateral issues is not something which can not be resolved through dialogue. However, since hate sells much easier then love, hawks of both countries under its security dominated historical perspectives continues to preach hatred towards each other to their respective younger generations, keeping the fire of emulation alive and burning to date. Under the current security standing of both India and Pakistan, it is least likely that a military solution of Kashmir conflict will be possible without mass destruction of both countries. Both sides won't also ever give up the respective parts of Kashmir under their control. It happens to be the perfect catch twenty two situation exposing the entire region to the risk of a nuclear holocaust.

India aspires the status of a regional power in Asia pacific, however, Pakistan continues to be the biggest impediment in achieving Indian dreams. No matter how much the west supports India to rise as a counterweight to the Chinese influence, no sane mind will invest for long term in a country which is a direct target of an extensive nuclear arsenal. The situation surely does frustrate India which is thrice the size of Pakistan and possesses a vibrant economy compared to that of Pakistan. Pakistan on the other hand does not even flinch a bit having established credible nuclear deterrence towards her enemies . India has thus far tried all proxy warfare strategies against Pakistan, only to be met with failure under extreme resilience which marks the very fiber of Pakistani society. Pakistan for decades fought a proxy war against India at Kashmir, only to be halted by Pervaiz Musharraf regime in 2004 under intense American pressure post 9/11. Both countries leave no stone turned to harm each other's interests at any international forum. Top politicians in both countries score winning points on the hate agenda against each other. The text books of both countries are designed to preach hate against each other and so on and so forth. The print and electronic media of both countries under the influence of the security dominated mindset again propagate hate and chest thumping is frequent phenomenon.

Efforts for peace between both countries at large scale mostly remains restricted to achieving limited business objectives by few elite who are in turn the sole beneficiaries of such efforts. There is a genuine desire among the intelligentsia of both countries which share rich cultural traditions to mend fences. However, the "average Joes" of both countries led by respective fundamental nationalist forces are made to believe that any prospect of peace is impossible as the other side wants to drink their blood. It is not in the interests of the fundamentalist nationalist forces at both side to let any sort of peace through dialogue get through, as their bread and butter would be at stake if it happens. The situation allows for the hawks at both sides to thrive and doves can at best duck down and take the beating. It is always a bad idea to talk and promote peace by any individual or group belonging to either India and Pakistan due to the distorted perceptions being promoted by the said fundamental nationalist forces on both sides. These forces are very powerful on both sides of the borders and well entrenched in their respective security establishments. They are capable of escalating any minor bilateral conflict into a battle of words and weapons and possess armed wings to hold their influence. It greatly helps politicians at both sides in general to play blame game and point fingers at the rival state as it greatly helps them to deviate the attention of the masses from the real issues they are facing due to the corruption and incompetence of the same politicians. In the meantime, the youth of both countries continue attacking each other on the web and all sort of social media forums under the influence of the said, false and distorted perspectives. Under the current Hindu nationalist government of Mr Modi in India, this hate mongering has seen new highs.

Both India and Pakistan together forms the main bulk of South Asian region. The majority of the population in both countries live in poverty with none to low access to social and essential services for example provision of healthcare and even clean drinking water. The world bank in its 2015 review of South Asia notes the following :-

 poverty in the region remains high. About 399 million people—40 percent of the world’s poor—live on less than $1.25 a day. More than 200 million people live in slums, and half a billion people go without electricity. Many countries in the region suffer from extreme forms of social exclusion and huge infrastructure gaps, and the larger countries are experiencing increases in inequality. Development in the region will be key to meeting global poverty and prosperity goals".

The same report further notes:

"South Asia will play an important role in the global development story as it takes its place in the Asian Century. It has the world’s largest working-age population, a quarter of the world’s middle-class consumers, the largest number of poor and undernourished in the world, and several fragile states of global geopolitical importance. With inclusive growth, South Asia has the potential to change global poverty".

For the projections in the above report to take effect in true sense, India foremost and Pakistan as well need to realize the importance of peace while maintaining their security apparatuses but not directed at each other. There is no conflict on earth which can not be solved by bilateral negotiations under neutral mediators. But it must be noted that, any such idea may only be realized if and when the "distorted perceptions" against each other by both Indians and Pakistanis are challenged, questioned and openly debated with as much flare, as the hawks spit their fire.......


Monday 3 August 2015


The idea of "Khalistan"(Land of Pure) movement  took birth during the partition of subcontinent in the 1940's as a separate homeland for Muslims(Pakistan) and Hindus(India) where the Sikhs felt left out and proposed a separate state of Khalistan. However, the majority Hindu population countered every such demand by the Sikhs and successfully annexed their homeland of Punjab with India. Indians suppressed the "Khalistan" movement for two decades after partition/freedom from the British Raj which gave momentum to the Sikh's demands of a separate homeland. In the 1971 the "Khalistan" movement took a sharp uprising under Jagjit Singh Chuhaun who raised international awareness among the global Sikh Diaspora and collected millions of US dollars contribution by the Sikh dissidents around the globe by publishing an add in The New York Times from New York, USA. Jagjit Singh announced the de-facto creation of Khalistan under his leadership and printed his own currency.  Within a decade, under Jagjit Singh, the "Khalistan" movement took full swing and Indian Punjab by early 1980s resembled a separate Sikh country with its own militant faction which was not acceptable to Ms Indira Ghandi, then Prime Minister of India under any circumstances.  


The nefarious Operation blue Star by the Indian Army saw a rise in Sikh militancy and discontent with the Indian state by the majority of Sikhs. The result was the killing of Ms Indra Ghandi by her favourite Sikh bodyguard whom she trusted for over a decade long service. 

Pakistan started supporting the "Khalistan" movement after 1971 war with India. India broke Pakistan into two countries by helping create Bangladesh which was reason enough for the Pakistanis to return the favour.  Besides this, Pakistan has close links with the global Sikh diaspora for it hosts them over the most revered Sikh religious sites located at Pakistan. Pakistan helped the Sikhs in creation of an underground resistance within India propagating the Khalistan movement. Pakistani nationals also provided financial support to the Sikh independence movement and strengthened its core within India.     


At the end of Zia Era through a plane crash, democratic government returned to Pakistan. In the most controversial decision the latter slain prime minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto sold out the Khalistan movement to another slain prime minister of India Rajiv Ghandi , in a bid to turn the decades long rivalry between the two countries into friendship. However, it was never meant to be.The Indians used the sensitive information provided by the Pakistani Government to wipe out the underground Khalistan movement within India ruthlessly. In return none of the expectations of Benazir Bhutto were met in the realm of lasting Indo- Pakistan peace. Some say it was the promise of forces withdrawal from Siachin glacier, the highest battlefield of the world by Rajiv Ghandi, that made Benazir Bhutto gave up the secrets of Khalistan movement to him. Whatsoever the case and whatever transpired in the closed door one on one meeting between both the leaders, Rajiv charmed Benazir to get what he wanted by giving information on the movement responsible for the death of his mother. Rajiv Ghandi returned home to quash the Khalistan movement in an authoritarian move with the typical ruthless signatures of his late mother. However, shortly after that, Rajiv Ghandi was blown to bits by the Tamil separatists in a political rally in a suicide blast carried out by a woman. With that, any hope of a return gesture as anticipated by Benazir Bhutto by India for forging peace between arch rivals also died. Benazir was never forgiven by the Pakistani security establishment for the gross error in judgement, seen as a betrayal by Pakistani security institutions resulting in the alienation of Sikhs from them. The Pakistani security establishment could never reverse the effects of the Benazir debacle and hence lost their influence and goodwill with the global Sikh Diaspora supporting Khalistan.    

However, the Sikhs never gave up on their demands and kept the political struggle for Khalistan alive around the globe, supported by the Sikh Diaspora essentially in the UK, Canada and USA. Pakistan afforded maximum possible political support to the Sikh independence movement globally while the Pakistani population is naturally sympathetic to the Sikh cause of Khalistan.

The dramatic turn of events that took place after the warning of Indian spy arm RAW to the Indian parliament quite recently after successive likewise reports of the global resurgence of Khalistan movement. Incidents of cooperation between the Kashmir freedom fighters and Khalistan movement in Indian homeland and around the globe, raised red flags in India. The results are the joint protests in the western world by the Sikhs and Kashmiris of India raising the serious issues of human rights violations by the Indian security forces against the freedom fighters and general population of  Kashmir and Punjab. At the Indian homeland, only few days ago, the attack at a police station in the state of Punjab by armed militants is being termed as a joint operation by the Kashmiri and Sikh militant outfits by the Indian media.

The stakes are being raised by all the players in this game, with pawns being sacrificed to check the strength of opposition. However, a few facts have been established, not in favour of India. Firstly, the Khalistan movement is being taken seriously by the western audience under the protests by the global Sikh diaspora essentially in US/Canada/EU. Secondly, the human rights abuses by the Indian security forces during operation Blue Star is being seriously questioned after the draconian Indian rule over Kashmir and numerous established human rights violations. The situation certainly does not fair well with the Indian desires to acquire global power status like their desire of a permanent seat in the UN security council for instance. Thirdly, the cooperation between the militant factions of Khalistan movement and Kashmir freedom fighters is creating a serious security situation at hands for the Indians. Indians are underplaying the threat by traditionally blaming and firing at Pakistan, but it won't solve the issues for India.

Indians were repeatedly warned by Pakistan to refrain from financing and directing the Pakistani militants like the Taliban and Baluchistan separatists from Afghanistan soil. However, the advice fell on deaf ears in India for all practical purposes. Indians will have to face the music by tasting their own medicine while in the meantime, global resurgence of Khalistan movement is a reality only growing with every passing day....

Monday 27 July 2015

The Rise of The Red Empire- Regional Impacts

In a world infested with agenda driven corporate media shaping opinions and perceptions, it is extremely difficult to see through the maze of info-wars. The global population in general are highly influenced by and believe the propaganda created through each individual corporate media, having no direct access to ground realities. An example may be the most recent media reporting of the Chinese stock market crash of 2015. The western media machinery raised red flags professing an end of Chinese dominance in global economy. Whereas, on ground within a week of the stock market crash the Chinese government moved swiftly to secure the public interest by banning the sale of "short stocks" by both corporations and wealthy businessmen. Not only did the stock market recover in no time proving the resilience of the Chinese economy, but China posted 7% growth in its economy rite in the face of failed western capitalist economic order.  This was only possible under the Chinese system of governance which levies checks and balances on the manipulation of the "invisible hands" of global capitalism. The global economic initiatives by China such as BRICS bank and AIIB(Asian Infrastructure Development Bank)  are the Chinese reply to the US/Western bloc controlled global monetary systems like the IMF and the World Bank. The political economy of Eurasia is being taken over by he Chinese with their partners of SCO. The future of global economy lies in the Asia Pacific where infrastructure gap is the major expedient to an economic rise of the region. Chinese infrastructure investments in Asia linking it with Europe through Russia(New Silk Route) is buying them direct influence in the biggest region/economic hub of the world. The Chinese military maneuvers at the South China sea in direct defiance of the global policeman USA is a challenge to the existing "world order" thrown by China which is supported by powerful regional countries.

 The "Red Empire" is rising out of its ashes under "Xi DaDa". The resolve shown by President Xi Jingping of China affectionately who is called "Xi DaDa" by cracking down on rampant corruption in China is unmatched. He's purging his own house out of internal infestation of corruption which disillusioned the majority of Chinese driven by the philosophies of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. "Xi DaDa" has been able to revive the Chinese public faith in the communist system which drives this mega billions of money generating global factory owned by the Chinese state in majority. Under Xi's inspirational and popular leadership which has the Chinese public mandate almost comparable to Chairman Mao, China is pushing fast and yet succeeding in diversifying its economy. The political strategic influence China is currently projecting essentially in Eurasia and Africa is unprecedented and mostly unchecked. Unlike the US led western political economic model based on false and fabricated reporting and controlled by the "invisible hands" of the capitalist order, the Chinese model is based on ground realities and "Real Deals" benefiting the common lives of related populace. While the right of ownership and property is effectively secured in the Chinese economic order, culprits responsible of harming public interests through personal greed are awarded capital punishments by the state. The resilience of the Chinese economy is based on the efficacy of the Chinese Communist Party to control all the actors of Chinese state power and not letting the "free market economy" play havoc with the Chinese public funds unlike rest of he world in particular western economies.

China in association with Russia, Central Asian Republics and Pakistan has embarked upon an adventure in Eurasia which is both brave and farsighted. The resolve of all these partners is for real and evident on ground. The Chinese finances coupled with the mass resolution of all the various countries mentioned above is shaping the future of Eurasia and Asia pacific. The rest of the world will be forced to join in to stay relevant. It's as simple as that, as the British told their US cousins while welcoming and joining on board with the newly found Chinese economic order.

The impact of the "Rise of The Red Empire" will be more direct on partner states and would generally benefit complete Asia Pacific with progress on the Chinese infrastructure investments on ground. The Chinese economic order is looking to develop the complete region economically it is investing in. This will in turn provide substantial strength to China and its economy providing lasting economic stability and promoting regional peace. This model based on investments in visible development projects has got a quick impact on buying political goodwill in client states while providing strength and resilience to their economies.

The Chinese are taking a particular interest in the security of their mega investments in Eurasia in partnership with the relevant regional players governing the respective security regimes. Pakistan is taking on the first phase of the "New Silk Route" project linking mainland China with South Asia and Middle East. Pakistan Army being the strongest stake holder in Pakistani power dynamics is directly involved in the construction of China Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC). Most recently the Pakistani Army Chief visiting the under-construction CPEC site made a statement ,"The Army is ready to pay any cost for making CPEC". The statement  came after the completion of 502 Km of CPEC by the Army's civil engineering wing (FWO). This 502 Km road is part of 870 Km road, FWO is constructing to connect the strategic Gawader deep sea port with Indus Highway at Chaman (Pakistani border town with Afghnistan). The road would become part of the western alignment of CPEC. So far, FWO has lost six military personal and ten civilian in 132 security related incidents since the start of work on the project in March 2014. This explains the statement quoted above by the Pakistani Army Chief while the Pakistan Army is rolling out 10,000 strong special security force specifically for the CPEC. The forces opposing this development are essentially funded by the arch rival Indians who are leading an international smear campaign against the CPEC. Both the Chinese and their Pakistani partners are in no mood to budge down to these Indian bullying tactics. The resolve to proceed and complete the mega project with secure transit routes is unprecedented within Pakistan and China.


 The same resolve is being displayed by all the various partner countries and their major stake holders regards the success of the Chinese economic order piloted through Xi's "New Silk Route" project. This extraordinary resolve based on the common economic benefits not only contributes to the "Rise of the Red Empire" but also greatly benefits the region through promoting commerce via much accessible land routes. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is fast forwarding towards the establishment of NATO like security bloc challenging the western world order. The massive economic benefits of a Chinese driven Asian pacific region would force the Asian rivals to Chinese rise such as Japan to join hands with the SCO overlooking political fault lines. The modern world economy is driven through economic prowess gained through global interdependence. Those who wish to stay relevant and compete in the global market economy needs to join hands with China in its drive to bridge the infrastructure gap at the Asian pacific for global economy to flourish. Peaceful coexistence while allowing the "Rise of The Red Empire" for the benefit of global economy in general and that of Asia pacific in particular is the need of the hour. This realization is widespread and opposition will die down with the progress on ground related to the Chinese economic order. The world is changing fast. The Red Empire is finally flexing her muscles, but in the right manner...