
Saturday 16 December 2017

The Psyche of Pakistani Islamist Extremism in South Asia

Pakistani Islamist extremism is essentially born out of the reactionary radicalism or countermeasures to the Hindu ultranationalists agenda in the sub-continent. Cold war may have played a pivotal role in arming Pakistan and making it a gateway to the Afghan made global narco-economy, but it's still not the root cause of the resident militant extremism in the mainstream Pakistani society. It is, but most definitely, the threat and designs of the Hindu ultranationalist in India which formed this psyche behind Pakistani hardline stance to willingly or subconsciously support militancy against Indian designs in the region.

There may well be a realisation among the Pakistani population that this centuries old blood vendetta is hurting Pakistan much more than her supposed enemies. However, the continued aggressive attitude by the Hindu ultra nationalists, now led by Modi in India, against the Muslims of India and Pakistan fuels this stated psyche of extremism in Pakistan using the Islamic religious sentiments and ideologies.

Leaders from both sides of the nuclear armed neighbourhood having fought three all out, beside many proxy wars, do realize this entire situation. But the political dividends by exploiting this situation on both sides, more so in India for the politicians and clergymen are so humongous that, there is almost no hope in sight for any conflict resolution on state to state level at least.

The partition of India was made possible due to this same sadistic attitude of the majority Hindu population, which has only gone worse in the proceeding seven decades of independence. While Modi in India most recently played the Pakistan card yet again as the 'bogeyman' to scare the voters in Gujarat state elections to vote for his Hindu nationalist ruling party, Pakistanis believe it was the Indian direct involvement which caused the Peshawar School massacre of 16 december 2014.

You can't really blame the Pakistanis, who seek revenge from India in the face of the public speeches by Indian leaders. Mr Ajit Doval is one such example who is the Indian national security advisor caught on tape lecturing university students as to how to play havoc in Pakistan by hiring the 'Taliban' mercenaries from Afghanistan to destabilize Pakistan.

Pakistanis with the pragmatic mindset do realize that, it is a taste of their own medicine they are having from India especially once they themselves directly supported the insurgency in the Indian Kashmir, before taking a complete U-turn in 2004 by the Musharraf regime under severe US pressure. Having said that, time has proved that the Musharraf regime critically undersold and abandoned the Pakistani Kashmir insurgency support mechanism in haste. Musharraf needed to ensure decommissioning the 'Jihadi network' working in Indian Kashmir. He, not only failed to do this, but also over trusted his agreements made with Indian nationalist government led by Late Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Musharraf thought that by unilaterality reversing the Kashmir policy of Pakistan he would somehow make history and solve the 'Kashmir dispute', for once and all. Now only heavens know that, was it? the good vine or women Musharraf enjoyed in India or any substantial agreement which made him unintentionally throw Pakistan in the maze of fighting home grown militancy in which Pakistan struggles to find way till date (Please read:  )

Pakistanis are forced till date to maintain and support India centric militant groups, due to the rise of Hindu ultranationalist mindset in India ( Please read : ) . The situation has only worsened by the Indo-US strategic partnership to counter the rise of China in the region ( In this connection, you may like to read: ) .

In this dog eats dog rat race of a world we live in, one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist if the 'other' controls the mainstream media machine. And it is no secret that the Indo-US mainstream media machine control and the global opinion forging capability is far superior than that of Pakistan and China combined for now. So Pakistani Islamist Extremism is here to stay and grow large in direct proportion to the Indian ultranationalism and hegemonic designs for the region, especially in the US partnership.

Having said that, Indo-US partnership won't ever be able to achieve its ultimate objective which is to break Pakistan since both partners know it means 'nuclear catastrophe'. China is also standing firmly behind Pakistan in that area, by calling Pakistan its strategic partner just as Israel is to the USA.

Although, peace is the only logical way forward, but as and where we stand now, peace doesn't sell and suit Indo-US designs, while war is still selling like hot cake in Modi's India alongside Trump's America.


Wednesday 4 October 2017

China-Pakistan-Russia Military Alliance-Strategic Realignment of Pakistan-II

The USA in another bet on it's Indian pet bulldog to check the flight of the Chinese dragon has declared the Chinese OBOR project passing through disputed territories. To be specific, the Indo-US move is directed at the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Keeping the historic debate aside, the US proclamations and it's loud mouthed propagation by the Indian 'mouthpiece' power, simply does not bother either China or Pakistan a bit. The CPEC project will continue without any hindrance, as Pakistan effectively controls the route since 1947 and the ground situation completely favours China.

India is desperately trying to stir trouble in Pakistan by funding an insurgency in Baluchistan, essentially using the Afghan soil and trying to exploit the political situation in Pakistan. However, what India and her sugar daddy in Washington fails to appreciates is, that the CPEC project, they are frantically opposing was in fact initiated well before they ever imagined.

If Pakistan was playing both sides in Afghanistan, the USA was doing the same with strategically aligning with the Pakistani arch rivals India. 

The Pakistanis appreciated more then a decade ago that the US will not be able to win its war in Afghanistan, due to the USA's lack of understanding about the region and its twisted tribal politics. At the same time, the Pakistanis knew, that as per precedent, the US will look for a scapegoat to blame her failures and the top choice will be obviously Pakistan itself. The Indian moves in Afghanistan and the Indo-US strategic deal including the civilian nuclear energy deal were omens enough for the Pakistanis for the times to come. If Pakistan was playing both sides in Afghanistan, the USA was doing the same with strategically aligning with the Pakistani arch rivals India.

Under these circumstances, while General Pervez Musharraf was ruling Pakistan, he dispatched his, senior most commander, General Ehsan ul Haq, to Beijing. He took the Pakistani strategic proposal to the Communist leadership of China having deep rooted socio-economic implications for the entire region.

 After due diligence, the Pakistani government and the Chinese leadership struck the strategic deal to counter the Indo-US alliance in the region, which is now known as CPEC. Pakistani security establishment gave the guarantee to see this strategic deal to its rightful end, against the Chinese commitment of ownership of the project irrespective of any change in government/regime in Pakistan.                 

The Pakistani security establishment was holding total power back in those days (around 2004) under General Pervez Musharraf. After due diligence, the Pakistani government and the Chinese leadership struck the strategic deal to counter the Indo-US alliance in the region, which is now known as CPEC. Pakistani security establishment gave the guarantee to see this strategic deal to its rightful end, against the Chinese commitment of ownership of the project irrespective of any change in government/regime in Pakistan. This is the essential reason as to why the Chinese determination and investments regards CPEC and commitment to the alliance with Pakistan remains unhindered irrespective of all odds as it may seem from time to time.

Russians Troops Being Welcomed In Pakistan For Joint Training Exercises

Subsequent to the ongoing mega economic developments regards Chinese OBOR projects which is spearheaded by the CPEC, Pakistan is now actively engaged in establishing its military alliance with Russia after China. The Pakistani security establishment quietly and successfully worked for around a decade to break the ice with Russia, which it helped defeat in the 'cold war' as an ally of the USA.

 The way USA abandoned Pakistan in post 'cold war' era to face the blow-back of that war where Pakistan was a front-line state, the Pakistanis always knew never to trust the USA, in particular siding against the Russians ever again. With the Indians influence wearing out in Moscow due to their strategic partnership with the US, Pakistan succeeded in making a substantial military alliance with the Russians. Pakistani security establishment successfully secured not only a formidable military alliance but found an alternative source of advanced weaponry in the shape of its fast developing military ties with Russia and rapidly deteriorating relationship with the USA(Pakistan's major weapon's supplier in the past).

Pakistani-Russian Special Forces Joint Training Being Conducted In Russia

Presently, vast numbers of Pakistani special forces, Aviation and Air force officers, besides other military personals from wide disciplines are stationed in Russia for joint training and liaison activities. It is definitely not a coincidence, but culmination of a well thought out plan in forming of this China-Pakistan-Russia(CPR) military alliance. This nuclear armed military trio has all the formidable elements to give stomach cramps to all its opponents. Together CPR military alliance compliments each other where one's deficiencies are filled by another and vice versa. They have it all, what it really takes, with the Chinese money, Russian military technology and the Pakistani counter-insurgency experience and geo-strategic location to provide access to the 'warm waters' to her allies in the region.

Top Military Brass of China-Pakistan-Russia Witnessing Joint Military Training Exercises At China In Recent Past

Sooner or later, the US will have to come to terms with the CPR strategic alliance and share the bounty in the mineral rich region, whether India likes it or not. Best way would be, for the USA and her allies to see sense and partner in sharing prosperity through peace in the region. However, history of mankind, and in particular that of the US being run by her greedy corporations tells us otherwise. The USA and her allies, may learn their lesson the hard way, that the central Asian region is a tough nut to crack, which may well break their teeth, if they continue to bite hard. EU states in particular the UK, would be better off to engage the CPR alliance through already well established trade channels to best serve respective national interests. In the context of Euro-Asian trade and security it is only a logical recommendation, since Turkey is already almost aligned with the CPR alliance. As for the Indo-US alliance and its friction with the CPR alliance, it would continue, while the US will increasingly try to use India to do her dirty laundry in the region. Having said all that, when it comes to the ground realities, the Indo-US alliance simply lacks the capacity to sustain the opposition towards the CPR alliance in the long term.

Winners in this game will be determined, by the  capacity of players who have the abilities to understand the complex dynamics of the CPR alliance and align with it by embedding within all these three countries using peaceful but sound business strategies.    


Wednesday 23 August 2017

Strategic Realignment of Pakistan-Global Impacts

Donald's Trumps latest rhetoric against Pakistan, harboring terrorist and all in his Afghanistan policy speech does not come out as a surprise for anyone at all and is nothing new. America is fast loosing the war in Afghanistan and its an open secret around the world. US government won't ever admit it, hence the favourite scapegoat to put the blame of the shameful defeat is their major non-NATO ally, Pakistan.

USA invaded Afghanistan as a direct consequence of the 9/11 attacks. The aftermath of that tragic incident was manipulated by those who had an advance warning of this calamity. Without doubt, the strongest lobbyist in Washington, that is Israel(AIPAC) knew and carefully planned to globally benefit from the tragic events of 9/11  ( ).

The US government in post 9/11 scenario, was heavily lobbied by the Indians with Israelis in their direct support to put India as a regional counterweight to the inevitable rise of the 'Red Empire' in Asia. It was only natural for the USA to go to bed with India and try putting a barrier to the rising influence of China in her home region. India, aspires to become a regional power but can't take on China at one side and Pakistan on the other, which are both strongly allied nuclear armed states like her.

While USA is facing defeat in Afghanistan, it is her desire to 'outsource' the region to their puppets, with India in the driving seat of their bandwagon. There is but, few major problems faced by the US government in implementing their policies.

Firstly, Pakistan being immediate neighbour of Afghanistan, foresaw the US defeat based on their established old habit of abandoning the mess they create after meeting the immediate, shortsighted goals. Looks like they never learnt anything from their Brit cousins. So, the Pakistanis took safety measures especially after experiencing the US betrayal first hand in the aftermath of winning the 'Cold War'. The US created and Armed the Mujaheddin in association with Pakistan only to dump them on the later, once they thought, they were of no good use anymore. Pakistan, didn't have that luxury, being located in that region, so, kept their ties with the Frankenstein's monster created by the USA and kept trying to tame it. It definitely doesn't mean that the monster did not haunted Pakistan. Pakistan paid the price and continues to do so, through the blood of thousands of her soldiers and civilians on daily basis. It's a price though, Pakistanis knew they would have to pay for the choices they made. Pakistanis always knew what they were getting into, by taking upon India on Afghan soil which is backed by the USA. The Indians, from the Afghan soil funded the 'international ideological mercenaries a.k.a Pakistani Taliban', who are the rogue third generation mercenaries of 'Afghan Jihad', targeting Pakistan, to give them a taste of their own medicine they had used in Kashmir against the Indian occupation of the region ( The Indian national security adviser publicly announced and acknowledged this policy while speaking to university students in India ( As a result, Pakistan choose to take upon India in Afghanistan being directly supported there by the US, in a fight for her survival. This also dictated Pakistan to strategically realign it's priorities and prepare for softly divorcing the US led western alliance and join the Sino-Russian camp.

 USA is no more the sole superpower of the world, or possess the power it once had before 9/11. The 'Oil Wars' in the middle east based on 'WMD lies' have weakened the American might drastically

The other major problem with the US policy in Afghanistan is, that the place is the very backyard of China and Russia.  USA simply can not continue to play there and keep bullying the entire region, without expecting retaliation from these regional powers. USA is no more the sole superpower of the world, or possess the power it once had before 9/11. The 'Oil Wars' in the middle east based on 'WMD lies' have weakened the American might drastically. America acquired their sole superpower status after winning the 'Cold War', defeating the USSR in Afghanistan through her proxies, 'Mujaheddin' now known as the 'Afghan Taliban'. That American victory chartered by the 'Mujaheddin' in Afghanistan led to the breaking of the USSR.

Only two decades later not only the same proxy, which won the USA led western capitalist alliance their war against the USSR led communist bloc, is the US/NATO chief enemy in Afghanistan, but, the old socialist enemy of the USA is also back to haunt the western world in the new capitalist attire. Russian bear is all inclined to take back its lost territories and influence, almost after four decades of suffering the humiliating defeat by the USA.

 Chinese investments in Afghanistan have bought them an unprecedented influence in the country. Russia is all on board with China in Afghanistan and both these regional powers are in negotiations with the Taliban, due to kind the courtesy of Pakistani connections with the 'Afghan Taliban', which the Americans are so very critical of.

Pakistani Army played its due role as a US major non NATO ally cooperating with the US and International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) on ground in Afghanistan. Pakistan also provided key logistical support to the US forces/ISAF in Afghanistan. However, the Pakistani intelligence, skillfully retained but avoided using their influence over the 'Afghan Taliban', while the US wanted to negotiate a deal with them by bullying Pakistan to strong arm the 'Afghan Taliban' into such a deal. Although such a deal would have given the US, some kind of 'face saving exit', from Afghanistan, which was/is in the interest of Pakistan, but  the Pakistani intelligence outfits backed off from brokering any such deal, only after confirming that, such a US deal with the 'Afghan Taliban' would be made by compromising the Pakistani strategic interests superseded by those of India.

  The 'Indo-US' strategic regional alliance plans to counter China's rise in the region and neutralize her influence in Afghanistan and beyond. This also directly jeopardizes the Russian influence in the mineral rich countries of 'Central Asia' with the US eyes affixed on their natural resources. India is hated by Pakistan due to historic reasons, with three wars under the belts of both these countries. There is hence, a natural alignment of strategic interests between, China, Pakistan and Russia. That is where it hurts the US most, to loose Pakistan which is geographically located in a position to make or break both Afghanistan and whomsoever controls Kabul.

It is no coincidence that the Pakistani Armed Forces officers are increasingly being seen in Moscow and visiting Russia regularly while China is like a second home to them now. Russia is providing modern military hardware to Pakistan irrespective of the Indian objections, which is the biggest weapons exporter from Russia, but not for too long. Russia reckons that after the 'Indo-US' strategic alliance, it's only a matter of time that the Indians would be forced to shop their military hardware from the US/West. The 'Indo-US' nuclear and military deals are an omen in that direction, Russia never failed to notice.

Old friends are now foes and vice versa in the interesting times we now live in.  

China-Pakistan-Russia alliance backs the Taliban principle demand, that before any formal negotiations with the Kabul regime, the 'foreign invaders', must leave their soil. Such a move will level the playing fields of Afghanistan and the US allies would loose influence in the region. USA simply can not afford such a scenario, so 'Pentagon' forced President Trump, embattled in a political carnage due to his naive choices, to increase the troops in Afghanistan. He went back on his words and was made to swallow his spit, just like Obama, when he was forced to increase troop numbers in Afghanistan by his Generals in the longest ever war faced by the USA. The difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama did it as a political move, while Trump has been strong armed by his defense establishment to do so.

Pakistan is by far the most viable way to keep the said 'logistical lifeline' alive for the US troops in Afghanistan. The US government, may it be Trump administration or the brass at Pentagon must be careful not to antagonize Pakistan, beyond reproach

The bullying by Trump won't change a thing in Pakistan and her attitude towards Afghanistan. Pakistan knows that it controls the vital logistic support corridors of the US forces in Afghanistan. The other option, which is a much more difficult way and extremely expensive passage, is controlled by Russia. The only other passage, neither developed nor utilized to the land locked country, to provide 'logistical lifeline' to the US military in Afghanistan passes through Iran. Pakistan is by far the most viable way to keep the said 'logistical lifeline' alive for the US troops in Afghanistan. The US government, may it be Trump administration or the brass at Pentagon must be careful not to antagonize Pakistan, beyond reproach.  China is fully backing Pakistan both morally and materially with 50 billion dollar investments in Pakistani infrastructure. The Saudis have pledged their oil and money to the only nuclear armed Islamic country, whose military has pledged to defend their kingdom in the face of an existential threat.

Pakistan is a nuclear armed state and the USA simply does not possess the potential to disarm the Pakistani nuclear arsenal, no matter how much it threatens, shrieks or boasts about doing so. Pakistan visibly, has the capacity and capability to choose its foreign policy

Aforesaid considering, Pakistan silently but surely, over a course of one and a half decade, strategically re-aligned itself away from the USA keeping in view her own supreme national interests. While Pakistan may never completely divorce the US and NATO, the core Pakistani geopolitical and strategic interests are now aligned with those of China and Russia. Pakistan is a nuclear armed state and the USA simply does not possess the potential to disarm the Pakistani nuclear arsenal, no matter how much it threatens, shrieks or boasts about doing so. Pakistan visibly, has the capacity and capability to choose its foreign policy. The financial support accorded to Pakistan by her allies in addition to vast mineral wealth at her disposal coupled with the Geo-strategical location in the globe only adds to the Pakistani strengths.

India will have to make a choice, as to either peacefully co-exist with her neighbours or face a nuclear Armageddon. India won't be allowed to enforce the US centric agenda in the region it is housed, on the behest of her newly found lover sitting safely across seven seas playing her to do its dirty laundry. Peace is the only logical way forward for all stake holders in the Asia Pacific, for this entire region to realize and exploit its economic potential and bring billions of mankind out of poverty. The US and its allies will have to sooner than later realize, that the fires they are fuming in Asia will find its way to their homeland like before. USA will have to stop acting audaciously around the globe as if, it is the sole superpower of the world, which it is not.

As for the vastly unemployed, unskilled population and crumbling economy of America, Trump and his American hawks, now needs to find some way, other than the recruitment and loan-funding of the military-industrial complex which, is waging mindless wars around the world, only benefiting those few at the top of the food chain in the western world. It is however, not possible until and unless US public finds a way around the highly corrupt and manipulated political system governing them being continuously exploited by the vested interests through controlling the US politician's funding by lobbyists like the AIPAC.

Pakistan will continue to exercise its foreign policy independently, irrespective of the US bullying. The Pakistani global diaspora is a force beside its nuclear armed military to deter any misadventure by either the US or India. The US puppet government in Kabul will have to come to terms with the Pakistani position instead of playing as the Indian lackeys and support the funding of the insurgency in tribal areas of Pakistan from the Afghan soil. For Pakistanis will avenge and call upon its debts after the 'foreign invaders' will leave Afghanistan. In any case, the American puppets in Kabul will run away to the western world, sooner or later after finishing their loot of western world's aid money like Karzai and Co did so. Pakistan on the other hand is here to stay and retain the influence in Afghanistan, in partnership with China and Russia, hopefully bringing much awaited relief for that war torn country in the shape of peace and prosperity.                                                   

Friday 7 July 2017

Rise of The Zionist Empire-How Israel Changed The World Post 9/11

A vast amount of material is available in public domain, both supporting and negating the theories, that Israel's intelligence agency Mossad knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance, and they utilized these attacks in favour of Israel's Zionist Jew's designs in the world.

Keeping aside conspiracy theories, following facts are verified :-

> Israeli intelligence agency 'Mossad', knew that a large scale terrorist attack is imminent on the US soil. To this effect they issued a vague warning to their US counterparts in August 2001 without any specific information about the attacks.

>Israeli nationals were caught capturing the video footage of the 9/11 attacks in a visibly jubilant mood. They were later deported to Israel, even after being found involved in illegal activities on the US soil while they were working for the Israeli intelligence agency.

>In months preceding 9/11 attacks, western financial markets, dominated by the Zionist Jews and Arab oligarchy saw an unprecedented amount of 'insider trading' directly related to the aftermath of 9/11 attacks on the financial markets. 
(  -

Above three facts are not enumerated to claim that Israel collaborated in the 9/11 attacks, but to prove that Israeli intelligence beside certain other vested interests, surely knew about the 9/11 attacks beforehand. This knowledge was used for respective gains by these parties. However, Israel, benefited the most out of this fiasco.

Israel, systematically used the 9/11 attacks to turn the tide of global public opinion in its favour. Israel, armed with its Zionists partners running the global mainstream media of the developed world presented the world with a 'new narrative' about the Muslims and Islam. Slowly but surely, the global perception about the Muslims being terrorists and Islam being a radical religion took hold. This allowed Israel to manipulate the global opinion about her autocratic apartheid of the Palestinian people. At the same time, this 'new narrative' was carefully chartered by the Zionist Jews through the vast resources at their disposal to spread the influence of Israel globally.

The Israeli state and their Zionist patterns deserves acclamation, to have consistently and patiently manipulated post 9/11 world order in a methodical manner. They were able to do this in a plan seemingly spread over at least two decades. Let us enumerate the successes of the Zionist state of Israel, made possible, chiefly by the radical Islamist ideological mercenaries working in their favour.

> The global opinion about Muslims and Islam have been tarnished, with Islamophobia being the order of the day globally. Hence, Israel can easily tell the world, that all Muslims, including Palestinians are not some freedom fighters, but a bunch of radical lunatics, out their to destroy the peace loving Israeli state. Hilarious to those who know the facts, but its working on the dominant majority of the world.

> The post 9/11 US invasion of Iraq based on falsely fabricated pretexts destroyed the entire Middle East region's balance of power. The result is a the disaster in the region effecting the entire world to date. The US public pressure forced the attack in response to 9/11, which allowed various non-state actors like ISIS and Al-Qaeda to find physical ungoverned territories to prosper. This further plunged the entire region into chaos. All the more reason for Israel to spread her physical influence in the region on the pretext of securing itself.  

> The Middle East has collapsed into various militant sectarian conflicts, diminishing the power of the Arab countries who were chief financiers of the Palestinian cause. Iran being a major Israeli enemy is also deeply entangled in this conflict having little to no time, opposing Israel.

> While the Middle Eastern states are busy in their wars of influence post 9/11, championed by Saudi Arabia and Iran respectively. Israel is fast at work spreading her own influence in the region and beyond.    

> Israel in an unprecedented move have secretly allied with the Wahhabi Kingdom of Saudi Arabia against their common enemy Iran. That nullifies the predominant Arab financial and physical support for the Palestinian cause to a large extent at present and in times to come. Classically killing two birds with one stone, with the Arabs on their side, Israel remains invincible for Iran.

> While the major Israeli regional opponents are entangled in a web of chaos looking inwards, Israel is fast filling the power vacuum around the world left vacant by the Arab countries. From India to Africa, Israel is fast spreading its physical influence gaining major economic and strategic benefits, making her more powerful and seemingly invincible.

In this world we now live, 'perceptions are much more important than reality'. The Zionists foresaw it all, and capitalized on the insecurities of the global population post 9/11, creating a perception which best suited their cause. The cause may be legitimate from the Israeli perspective, for the Jews do not want to and should not suffer another holocaust. However, the oppressed are now surely the oppressors...