
Tuesday 20 November 2012

Intricacies Of Conducting Modern Military Operations

Only less than a century ago, the use of military might to acheive legitimate and illegitimate goals/designs was the most convenient way for nation states in particular against weak neighbouring or regional states. The British made an empire around the globe where the sun never used to set in the same era without any major nuisance for them at all. But with the advent of the current modern era communications network around the globe and introduction of high tech long rage weapon systems, the same old methods are not simple to be employed anymore to attain desired objectives by nation states. The use of force is still on the table but it comes with lot more intricacies than ever before. Foremost among them is the global public image and proving the legitimacy of cause to the global audience.

With new problems arrives new solutions. The principal solution to gain legitimacy to any aggression by a global power or it's protege like USA and Israel as a point in case is the use of global media by controlling it's corporate regimentation. All global powers like US, Russia, countries in the EU, Gulf and China employs a media and information mechanism spreading it's influence in every nook and corner of the world as per the directives of their sponsor states. Without doubt the US global empire currently leads in this game being the trend setters here and also the grand investors in shape of money and resources. Even  small nation states and aspiring regional powers invests and maintains  their state sponsor media machinery for the established practices by the global powers of controlling the domestic population over the last five to six decades.

The voice of independent media, social media and free lance journalist trying to bring out the actual perspective of the issues around globe is being heard by only those having resources and time to follow them and possess brains to separate fact from fiction. That leaves billions of global audience who only have time or resources left for "headline news" by the giant corporate media so ingress-ed around the globe through huge investments that it can not be replaced. However even this corporate media has to maintain a minimum level of credibility to attain the global audience who generate them their revenues and makes their cycle of  "infotainment" running profitably. This necessitates reporting of events which are public knowledge through others mediums of information technology. There is but off course, huge margins available to play with by reporting when and what in any particular style to convey the pro sponsor ordinary news into sublime propaganda. Having said that, it requires brains, money and dedicated resources. An intricate process to say the least.

The advent of modern weaponry like long range missiles and nuclear armed warheads also pose a very serious intricacy to wage a military operation against a foe affiliated with a nuclear power or against directly any nuclear power. Hence, we see an all out offensive starting with sanctions, clandestine activities, threats and military option on the table against states aspiring to achieve the nuclear power like Iran and North Korea. The world powers at current are in agreement when it comes to restraining any other nation state obtaining the nuclear status besides the  declared "Seven States"  and one non declared nuclear power. 

In the game of international relations it is always the national interest which prevails and forms the foremost objective in resolving any conflict by the particular state. Age old formula of "might is right" prevails but the state sponsors of smaller states and their alliances  matter the most in the outcome of  a conflict. Military option is employed considering and after addressing the intricacies as discussed above besides factors such as diplomatic compulsions and likely response of the enemy and her allies.

First step of any military operation in the modern era is hence to win the battle of propaganda and neutralize the opposing "information systems". This makes winning the "Info-war" as the primary task before and during an operation. Failing this at any time has got consequences for the rulers of a nation state at both international and domestic scenes. The fall of republicans in the US and their inability to regain government to date in the ultimate aftermath of Iraq war is a point in case to justify this assumption. Winning of Info-war at global and domestic level is the most intricate affair which has to be achieved by any nation state while conducting a military operation in modern era.

While appreciating a military operation plan, it is hence a necessity to address these intricacies in detail if the ultimate objectives of a military offensive is to be achieved. By successfully managing these intricacies nation states can get away with almost anything in our times. At the surface of it at least.      


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