
Sunday 18 November 2012

Chinese New Leadership_It's Effect On Global GeoPolitics

With Xi Jinping confirmation as the fifth generation Chinese Highest Leader, all analysts are continuously busy speculating the effects of this change. Let us consider first the facts here that, Xi Jinping is a leader who rose from the masses and earned the position he now enjoys through a self made profile over decades. He knows not to offer cakes to those short of bread. He is a moderate and humble man with a pragmatic approach towards issues. He acknowledged the issues of corruption and economic dependence on exports and promises to tackle them. This is surely good news for Chinese domestic scenario. He enjoys credible repute at international scenario being an open minded leader with flexible attitude.

 Having said that, it does not necessarily mean any major change in the Chinese global policies and it's march towards gaining the world power status.Being proposed and now confirmed Chairman of all powerful Central Military Commission, Xi Jinping oversaw the most exuberant and advanced display of military hardware at the Zuhai Airshow this month. China stunned the global audience in general and the US and EU defense industry in particular by offering the most advanced Air Weaponry for sale at prices not compatible by the latter group. China is also in the advanced stage of developing it's very own Stealth Jet, a weapon only possessed by the USA. 

China under XI Jinping is aiming to further grow it's industrial base and exporting advanced technologies to attain global dominance on the US and European model. This is what is expected to be the major task to be overseen and implemented in the decade Xi rules the world's second largest economy in her drive to become the first. This strategy will also see the rise of China as a global power broker and lead the world back to bipolar status by the end of this decade

Allies of China are in for a highly beneficial returns for their investments in China of that of time, money, loyalty and support. Xi Jinping will not only pursue the laid down goals of the Chinese global policy with vigor but will also bring about a fresh perspective in achieving these goals. The game of clandestine control of strategic energy routes to China will also see a Chinese upper hand with the US and NATO bogged down by two decades of war resulting in profits for corporates alone but losses for the Western Nations with rotten economies and lost lives in wars which otherwise ultimately resulted into Chaos and destruction for the region they fought in. China in the meantime pragmatically observed these developments and planned her own response when the time is ripe. This pragmatic approach brought not only credibility to China but also they(Chinese) preserved their economic and military power from a meltdown as that of NATO.

Xi Jinping is a realist who would concentrate his energies on the domestic issues facing the Chinese governance and critical economic measures for the uplift of masses left out in the economic rise of China. But at the same time he is expected to outstretch, the Chinese global influence while the US and EU are busy repairing their badgering economies and internal turmoil resulting from decades of meaning less wars. The Global Corporates are as usual expected to be on the side of winners here who makes them the max money, which makes China a choice but compulsory for them proved statistics of profits and losses, which is their ultimate God.  This will result in if not free than a very less obstructive path for Xi to lead the great Nation out of it's shell and into the global limelight less than 70 years it was liberated and united out of slumbering sleep.


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