
Saturday, 28 July 2012

Tragedy, Not So Divine

If not all than almost all the wars fought ever since the recorded history of mankind on the planet earth has got a religious angle attached to it in it's very essence. Even the modern day warefare fought over various issues may it be on nationalistic or ideological basis, there is a deep rooted religious connection to them all. All the divine books teaches and orders their followers to fight for their just rights and against any oppression which is interperated by the "Men of Gods" proclaimed by the men themselves to best suit their own and their masters agendas and interests. The result is a never ending story of war and carnage, written by the blood of those who become the cannon fodder of these wars till date.

The tragic saga was initiated the day Adam and Eve were punished and Satan pledged revenge to mankind for the disgrace he suffered owing to them. There is very less divine reason but material for sure to all this bloodshed and carnage as the mankind continues to fight amongst themselves and perish into oblivion.The irony however comes with the realization that all of these souls are dying mostly for their beleifs in which they consider themselves to be rightous and just. But wait a moment here and let's see the motives of the kings and the kingmakers for they are the ones who make the soldiers shed blood and die while the latter beleive it to be their patriotic cum religious duties to protect their homeland, families, honour and property. The ultimate human goals sadly as always have remained the same over centuries to date, "Money", "Land" and "Women". Now go over any war ever fought, you will be able to associate one or all of the goal stated above with their history.

Mankind's beleif in the divinity and their commitment to follow their respective religons is the most exploited trait of the devil himself and his followers forcing them to shed blood and fight on amongst themselves at mass scales uptill this very day. This weakness of men was noted by those in power long ago and has been utilized ever since best suiting their vested interests. At times even the devil himself gets amazed at the audacity of those sons and daughters of Adam, willingly or unwillingly following him, while they manipulate the divine words to create divine tragedies. Yet the human innocence keeps on being stabbed in the name of "Thy Lord", who has a design we all or lets say most of us beleive for us, every step, every way and all along our history. But the logical conclusion should and must be justice for all. Yet only "He" knows "His" divine designs.

But the fact remains, that "He, the Divine Master", who created us all and guides us through Prophets also gave us the power of "choice". The choice as to how we should lead our lives. The choice between right and wrong, evil and good. This very choice makes us human, the creation of the "Divine Lord" like none other we know. The best creature by any regard on this planet. Than why should we choose to be a dummy or zombei? Why should we follow the path dictated or planted in our minds by the devil and his followers in the most philosphical way with sophistication to enslave us? Why should we not research and take time to think before abrubtly making up our minds and follow the crowds lead by the greed of few in power having made their pact with the devil or being mislead themselves? Why should we fight on? Why should we not make peace, the most advocated virtue of the divine scriptures? Why to keep on creating this tragedy not so divine??????     

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Cost Of Hospitality

Pakistan is the name of a country associated with the bad guys in the world today thanks to the develped countries media resultantly their citizens. They tend to recognize the country through extremism, religious fundamentalism, militancy and nuclear armed fanatics, labels, put on Pakistan by the so called "independent media" of the free world. Very few people around the globe however, are conversant with the fact that Pakistan is a country now in it's fourth decade hosting the world's largest refugee population amounting to around "3 million Afghan Refugees". Half of these refugees are registered with the Pakistani government as legal refugees while the other half remains as illegal migrants at Pakistan. The UN termed the Pakistani Nation as the most hospitable country in the world for the refugees few years ago. But the irony here is the shame that those educated enough at Afghanistan today, mostly fantasizers of the western way of life and their proteg'es don't realize this very fact while in their feverish Pakistan bashing about which they go on and on in their media and elsewhere. The price of hosting this largest migrant refugee population in the world is devastating while it plays havoc with the Pakistani economy, sociology, law and order and the it's very demography. There have been a number of atempts by the UN to resettle the refugees back at Afghanistan, however in essence all such efforts have failed as even the repartriated refugees fleed back across the border. Most recently the government of Pakistan has decided to call it quits and terminate the refugee status of the Afghan poulation by the end of this year.

The influx of Afghan refugees started in 1979 with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The trend continued uptill 1999 due to the civil war at Afghanistan and the brutal Taliban rule's attitude towards the "Hazara Population". The result of this mass human influx coupled with the "Afghan Jihad" saw the introduction and rise of the "Klashinkov Culture" at Pakistan. The illegal migrants and also some registered refugees started operating illegal supply racket of quality Russian Arms like the Klashinkov assualt rifles or AK-47 to the Pakistani underground market. The drug trade also flourished primarily due to the aforementioned refugee network and the law and order situation detoriated like a fall from the precipice as a result. The American funded Global Jihad at Afghanistan to contain the Soviet threat saw the militrization of mass population and easiest access to advanced weaponary. The effects of this Global Jihad, refugees influx and that of foreign mercenaries called "Mujahedeens" than and reffered to as "Extremist Militants" now from around the Muslim world by the western world, on the Pakistani soceity left not only scars  but wounds so deep, they are bleeding todate. What Pakistan gained was access to unlimited wealth, but that of very few families in the civil-military alliance of Zia regime supporting and channelling the US money and weapons to the Mujahedeens. Pakistan also winessed the rise of "Mullah power" funded by the US Dollars for Jihad and armed by their very weaponary with "Jalal ud Din Haqanni network" at the forefront, of whom the US/NATO are so critical of today. These Mullah with their newly found power thanks to the US finances through their corrupt partners ruling Pakistan turned their barrels towards the US/NATO and the Pakistani state itself. Here again the Afghan refugees became the most convenient partners in crime to this newly found "Mullahcrasy" of Pakistan. The services of the Afghan refugees were and still are always easily availible for hire at dirt cheap rates for mercenary role, as a suicidal bomber, for kidnapping purposes and for any role you want to buy a human being for.

In a country of 150 million people the influx of such cheap labour, brings about a competition hardly sustainable by the local population who are not used to living in shacks and without any utilities. The UN also directly supports these refugees by providing food and shelter free of cost, a facility not availible to the indigenous poor population. In small and medium businesses this competition also ousted many local businessmen who were not having the support of cheap/free labour. The most recent transit trade agreement between Afghanistan and Pakistan is also haunting the local businesses and industry at Pakistan where the Afghan refugees network first import goods duty free at Afghanistan via Pakistan and smuggle the same back to Pakistan hence providing almost all modern amenities from Juicer machines to LED TVs and anything you can think of at rates  30 to 40% less than the local made/ legally imported brands.

The repartriation of these refugees is a very tough task cosidering all the above discussion besides the fact that most of these refugees are unwilling to return to their native country voluntary. While the impact of these refugees is at most negetive from the Pakistani perespective, the situation as whole presents a human tragedy associated with refugees and the children of war around the globe. Pakistan in the meantime after three decades of hospitality paid at the expense of the native population demands an end to the saga.  

The aforediscussed situation also leads to the exploitation of the refugees which mostly goes unchecked due to their allien status. The abundant labour force in the shape of these refugees at one hand provides cheap labours to the construction industry at rates as low as 3/4 dollars for a day's labour but also becomes the reason for job loss of the local labourers who are not willing to be exploited as such.    

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Effects of The Sino-Pak Relations On Global Power Dynamics- (Proceedings)

There is a group of pakistani observers, mostly US educated and at Pakistan inspired  by the western values who beleive that the Chinese rise to power will see the demise or disaster  of all it's neighbouring countries including Pakistan. The most intellectual prediction they come up with while their drawing room/personal discussions is the fear that the future Chinese Nation brought up under the one child policy will become the reson for such a disaster. As per their observations the Chinese generation being brought up under this specific policy are over pempered by their families being their only child and are not learning how to share while they grow. This breed as per them due to the stated reason, when come to age and in a decision making role will be ruthless and spread the Chinese hegmony with imputiny around the regoin and the globe. A view as such is valid to some extent, I agree, but not entirely credible. Firstly not all of this generation at China may turn out to meet the prediction by these analyst at Pakistan and in the west. Secondly this policy of one child per couple at the PRC may not remain forever. Lastly even if the worst fears of this group advocating such a scnerio comes true, the Pakistani nation while continuing this present relatioship will be most likely the partners in the Chinese rise or hegmony and least likely an opponent or a hurdle for the Chinese.

Another very frequently quoted abnormality in this  bilateral relationship as per the same above discussed group is the difference of faiths ( religons ) or the abscence of the same in China replaced with their brand of Socialism as the way of living rather than Islam at Pakistan as the guiding priciple ruling the lives of the masses. The very assumption of this comparison while trying to associate the Muslims with their Christians counterparts hence the west ignores the capatilist system the Christian/Western soceities are based upon which is a complete contradiction to Islam. In this regard the socialistic policies of China bears more resemblence to the basic way of socioeconimc lifestyle as per Islam. Language barrier between both the countries is a major issue recognized and being worked upon by both sides. While English is a common language of both the countires for communication for the majority including a teaching medium for professional studies at China for the Pakistani students, real time fast paced efforts are successfully underway for training both countries young professionals in learning each other's languages. China has as usual taken the lead in this aspect as well with thousands of Chinese Urdu speakind diplomats and corporate officials deputed at both the countries. The Chinese official broadcaster "Radio China" runs a regular Urdu service as well. At Pakistan's National University of Modern Languages (NUML), the Chinese department is the biggest with maximum number of students in the university.

The ongoing commitment as displayed by the Chinese and Pakistanis in enduring the Sino-Pak friendship is beyond doubt as the following facts suggest:-

> Over 500 Chinese nationals have been killed/abducted at Pakistan(where more than 10000 Chinese professionals are at work, highest numbers of foreigner professionals at Pakistan from any country) by militant groups traced to be operating from Afghanistan in recent past linked with certain foreign intelligence agencies. The Chinese while waiting to actively confront these groups have instead replenished their manpower and showed an enduring commitment to the projects they are working upon in Pakistan.

> Pakistan irrespective of US pressure and displeasure consult their Chinese partners before taking any major strategic decision effecting the regoin. The first step for any Pakistani Leader before embarking upon a tough ride is to seek assurance from Chinese Leadership for their advice and support as evident from the most recent exchanges of highest level dignitaries of both countries. In this way Pakistan's foreign policy is greatly influenced by Chinese designs and aspirations much per the liking of the grassroot public at Pakistan. US influences on Pakistan's foreign policy are a fact but a matter of enforced obedienc through the web of the debt cycle and US dollars in aid so desperately required for the repayments of their loans. The policies enforced by the US global empire thus are hated and seen with disgust by the Pakistani public.  Hence the turn towards China is more democratic and fast paced than before at Pakistan in their deep desire for a global partner other than US as famously desired by President Ayub Khan of Pakistan while writing his book, "Friends Not Masters".

> Pakistan's role in the regoin based upon it's geostrategic location is a prime asset for the Chinese in times to come after the US/NATO disengagement from Afghanistan. At present the Chinese official presence at Pakistan is one of the largest anywhere abroad mainland China and is increasing by the day.

> The Chinese aspirations in partnership with the Russians to see SCO (Shangai Cooperation Organizatio) as a major global player in particular at the CAR (Central Asian Regoin/Republics) in future scenario needs the active participation by Pakistan in which they are happy to oblige. The visit by Chinese foreign minister and the Russian head of foreign policy for the CAR to Islamabad most recently is the link of the same ongoing process.

> The large number of Pakistani students at the Chinese universities and their ever increasing figures is an indication regarding the future of this bilateral relationship and the resultant effects on the regoinal/global power dynamics. The uniqueness of this relatioship is based upon the public support of both the country's youth which holds the key to the future of these ties.

> The joint military exercises between China and Pakistan are forming to be a regular training feature of both the countries armed forces. This cooperation coupled with the high tech military hardware joint ventures between both partners indicate towards "what holds the future" for this partnership. The two militaries combined together presents the most formidable nuclear armed force in Asia and globally which can physically influence or threat to do so in the diverse Asian regoin, in particular South Asia and the CAR at any given time.

> The Chinese space programe which also actively aid and support the same of Pakistan is helping Pakistan launch their indigenous sattellites in the space. The programe is by far and most a success at huge magnitude compared with that of India, whose communication sattellite to their embarresment was found  in the Indian Ocean while the Indian media was bussy reporting viewing "sharks in sea water at some distant planet" by the same sattellite. The effect of this technological cooperation and cooperation in the feild of sophisticated weaponary not only make both China and more so Pakistan interdependent on each other in times to come but also strenghten the military-econmic complex and their influence in the Asian regoin in near future leading to the global canvas in time.

> The Sino-Pak relations in the economic field are more pronounced than ever before in the proceeding bilateral business scenario. With China being the "factory of the world" it is pakistan importing the bulk of it's needs at most affordable rates from China. Chinese are benefitting from the huge copper deposits at Pakistan they have the contract to explore and share the earnings with Pakistan. This unique physical access in an ongoing project is not granted so far to any other foreign country by the Pakistanis. Independent sources reveal the presence of such rare minerals at pakistan to be one of the biggest unexplored reserves in the world. It is hence, in the Chinese interset to remain engaged in the regoin for yet another benefit.

In the fourth and final article of this series we will look into the future prospects of this bilateral relation and it's impact on the regoinal and subsequently global power dynamics and discuss in detail as to "what holds the future".....................   

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Effects of The Sino-Pak Relations On Global Power Dynamics-2(Analogy)

This is a continuation to the same subject in my last article i published which discussed the history  and evolution of the strong Chinese-Pakistan bilateral ties. The analogy of this relationship spreads to few basic factors as innumerated below:-

> Need to form a regional alliance  to counter the Indian influences.
> Development and use of the strategic Silk Route( Karakorum Highway ) From the Arabian  Sea      right upto Xingjuang.
> Military/Economic Cooperation
> Historical Relevance Supporting Each Other's geopolitical designs.
> Diplomatic Cooperation at International forums

 Present day China is a mighty republic with huge clout over the world power dynamics through it's huge monetary investments around the globe and a growing modern military/space programe. The history of unquestionable support in the initial phase of this bilateral relationship by Pakistan and continued strong relationship morally enforces upon China to support the Pakistani positions at International Forums like the UN, in particular the UN's Security Council where China holds the permenant member status with a "veto power".     

On the other hand the Pakistani geostrategic position provides  unique access to it's biggest ally China, not only to the Middle East through the Arabian Sea but also a more direct route to the Central Asia via Afghnistan. The militarily strong Pakistan equipped mostly now by Chinese arms presents also a formidable ally to keep the huge economy of India at bay with her hegmonic designs for the region backed by her newly found strategic partner, the US.

No one must naively mistake that the Chinese do not understand the US designs for the regoin where they are practically supporting India to contain Chinese ever increasing influence in the regoin. In fact the American designs are interperated by the Chinese as well as the Pakistanis deep within as an effort to create a counterweight to China in the regoin. Hence the Sino-Pak allaince finds yet another anology to thrive on and fight the conspiracy as they see to destabilize Pakistan and block the corridor availible to China to the Arabian Sea and beyond. The Pakistanis want China not only to operate the Gawader Port like innumerous other projects but also to further invest in the their infrastructure projects they direly require.

The Chinese human rights records may not be near ideal as per the western strandards but at Pakistan the strict fiscal discipline and the developement policies of China leading them to their rise of economy and power are veiwed with awe inspired attitudes. The Chinese model is an example of success quoted by the Pakistanis more than often in their planning commision meetings. Chinese firms are gaining real good business in Pakistan and other Muslim countries through their Pakistani projects in infrastructure, industry, power sector, military and the latest trend of pakistani private students seeking professional degrees at China.

The anologies in the Sino-Pak bilteral ties are expected to grow further with time. The Relationship hence will see many a turns towards further higher level of interaction leading to interdependence. In coming articles I would discuss the concerns of the regoinal and global players they have and effect this bilteral relationship. We will also see as to how these concerns are being portrayed and taking shape in this regoinal canvas of Asia. At the same time it would be intersting to analyse some of the very hidden fears within Pakistani elite regarding the future Chinese aspirations and designs. 

Monday, 16 July 2012

Effects of The Sino-Pak Relations On Global Power Dynamics-1(History)

Sino-Pak bilateral relations began in 1950 when Pakistan was among the first countries to break relations with the Republic of China on Taiwan and recognize the People's Republic of China while Pakistan itself was in third year of it's existence . Following the 1962 Sino-Indian War, both countries have placed considerable importance on the maintenance of an extremely close and supportive relationship. The bilateral relations showed an increase of magnanimous proportions in this period. The PRC has provided economic, military and technical assistance to Pakistan and each considers the other a close strategic ally. 
Bilateral relations have evolved from an initial Chinese policy of neutrality to a partnership that links a smaller but militarily powerful nuclear armed Pakistan, partially dependent on China for its economic and military strength, with China attempting to balance competing interests in the region. Diplomatic relations were established in 1950, military assistance began in 1966, a strategic alliance was formed in 1972 and economic co-operation began in 1979. China has become Pakistan’s largest supplier of arms and its third-largest trading partner. The diverse strategic military alliance of recent boasts of cooperation in Civilian Nuclear Program, JF-17 Multipurpose Fighter Jet project, Missiles development programs, guided missiles frigates, Main Battle Tank joint production, road and rail link construction, civil social development programs at Pakistan and the most controversial yet operational Gawader deep water Sea Port project financed and built by the PRC. Gawader deep sea port shows the intention of China in maintaining the historic bilateral ties to a new level of cooperation in times to come. The Gawader deep sea port also has the potential of extending the Chinese influence to the middle east in times to come ( A scenario not at all as per the liking of the US Global Empire due to obvious reasons ) China and Pakistan also share close military relations, with China supplying a range of modern armaments to the Pakistani defense forces in addition to above discussed projects.   
China is a pillar of Pakistan's foreign policy. China supported Pakistan's opposition to the Soviet Union's intervention in Afghanistan and is perceived by Pakistan as a regional counterweight to NATO/US. China supports Pakistan's stance on Kashmir while Pakistan supports China on the issues of Xinjiang, Tibet, and Taiwan. These policies of both countries alone speaks volume about the analogy between the interstate relations of these countries. Chinese cooperation with Pakistan has reached economic high points, with substantial Chinese investment in Pakistani infrastructural expansion projects. Both countries have an ongoing free trade agreement. Pakistan has served as China's main bridge between Muslim countries. Pakistan also played an important role in bridging the communication gap between China and the West by facilitating the 1972 Nixon visit to China. The relations between Pakistan and China are described in an official stance by both the government's foreign offices as "higher than mountains deeper than oceans stronger than steel and sweeter than honey".
As is the norm in international relations, the ties between countries are based upon strategic interests of each country rather than anything else. The Sino-Pak relations are also based upon such like interdependence. The initiation of these strong relations were a natural consequence of Sino-Indian war of 1962. Pakistan's desire to establish and maintain this relationship was a direct result of it's traditional enmity based upon three wars with India. In the modern scenario however, these ties between both the countries are evolving under much more interesting aspects of International and regional political dynamics than before. The analysis of these issues and what holds the future will be the discussion of my subsequent articles upon the subject. To summarize the introduction as it is the aim of this article I would say with certainty that the Sino-Pak relations will turn out to be the pivotal aspect in reshaping the global power dynamics in the future. There are efforts thus in hand by the global power brokers to weaken the Chinese commitment to Pakistan. However, considering the decades long durability of these relations and the Chinese resolve to strengthen these ties for strategic mutual benefits in complete harmony with the Pakistani state backed by the strong public opinion of both these countries, the story of this relationship has many a pinnacles to be written. In responce  to the global power brokers and their ill designs towards this strategic partnership between both these countries I have but only quote to quote by none other but the great Mao Zedong himself,
The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history.


Sunday, 15 July 2012

Israeli Designs-Obama In A Fix.

With the US presidential elections drawing near by the day, so is the Obama administration's drive to woo the Jewish lobby in their favour is gaining momentum. It is no secret around the globe that the Jewish support for the American politicians are essential for obtaining the much needed legitimate funding from the Jewish donors at the states. The funding sources like the Arabs who can easily spend their petrodollars to support any US Politician comes with the unbearable cost of associating with the money from countries who directly or indirectly supports the Terrorists/Islamic Jihadists. The negative media as such is simply not acceptable by any candidate in this regard. whereas, the candidate securing support of the Jewish American lobby hence it's money has always got the winning edge. So the Lobbying firms like AIPAC has the influence it has over the American Politics and the election process of the democracy,a system fundamentally flawed in this way. The US politicians in return cannot afford to shun the State of Israel backed by her powerful lobbyist and give in to their legit and illegal strategies wherein they conducted the biggest land theft in the history of mankind. The persistent failure of the US administration for continuous 8 yrs to make Israel start a meaningful dialogue to resolve the crisis with Palestinians is a clear indication of a US global Empire system held hostage by the Israeli lobby.

The current drive of the Obama Administration to convince the Jewish lobby hence Israel to re open the negotiations with the Palestinian authority is not only a step towards pacifying the Muslim vote bank at the US but also in responce to the critique by the complete Muslim World. The US needs the Muslim world's support primarily for the oil on which it's economy is so heavily dependent but it's not the only reason. Independent studies by the US think tanks and the Intelligence community associate the International Terrorism and the Islamic Extremism directly or indirectly to the Israel-Palestine issue and the unconditional support of the US for the state of Israel by default or through design. The primary motivation factor for the Global Jihad is the Israeli atrocities backed by the US Global Empire as it is portrayed in the motivational material in the Arab world while recruiting the future suicide bombers and Mujahideens. Though the US administration is least likely to be blamed for any direct involvement in the Israeli arrogance but the silence of the US or lack of real effort to stop the their major Ally's illegal occupation and continued settlements is not only criminal but also costing them a credibility deficit in the Muslim world. The US global Empire is standing on the pillars of Economic activity directly or indirectly benefiting the American Economy of which the Muslim world is a major actor. The successive deterioration of the US Global Empire's repute in the Muslim world could strengthen the extremists and force an unprecedented public pressure on the leaders to boycott the subjugation to the global empire as the case study of Iran proves.

The US global Empire's managers understand the situation better than many. The efforts to pacify the State of Israel to re open the negotiations with the Palestinians while retaining the critical support of the Jewish lobby is the Challenge Barack Obama faces which will prove to be the pivotal factor in his re election. The associated issues of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will fade or ignite in the outcome of this crucial factor as discussed. The Obama administration will have to win the Jewish support while retaining a credible face for rest of the world. The only way forward it seems is that the Israeli govt somehow shows relaxation in their stance of land swap issues with the Palestine authority and gives way towards the two state solution. Ironically such a change in the Israeli behavior is no where in sight. With the Elections drawing near the US administration will have to decide the camp they want to be the part of. My guess would be like that any sane man in the position of Barack Obama would, opt for the fundamental election funding for him by the Jewish Lobby. So in order to do so he will let Israeli govt go the way they wished like always. But the results for such a compromise will be devastating than before. The target would be once again the US interests around the globe and the loss of precious lives both American and her allies. But in the history of Empires such sacrifices are accepted and a given. It would be interesting to see if Barack Obama prove this analysis wrong, for doing so, it requires the guts of a man who is a ruler, not a politician in a democracy dependent upon donor's funds for election campaigns...............................................     

Saturday, 14 July 2012

NATO GLOC, Another Story Of The Empire's Arrogance

Last week the Pakistani government finally budged to the pressure of the US and NATO and announced the reopening of the US/NATO ground lines of communication (GLOC) to Afghanistan, critical for the International Security Assistance Force commonly known as the  ISAF in the landlocked country they are operating in. The decision was expected much earlier after the closure of these routes about seven months ago by the Pakistanis. The particular GLOC is the easiest and shortest approach to Afghanistan from the warm sea waters of the Arabian Sea. The GLOC were closed after the US attack on November 2011at Pakistan Army border outposts at the Afghan-Pakistan border area known as Salala.  Salala incident or Salala attack, occurred when U.S.-led ISAF forces engaged Pakistani security forces at two Pakistani military checkposts along the "Durand Line" on Saturday, 26 November 2011. Three ISAF helicopter gunships  and two F-15E Eagle fighter jets entered by varying estimates as little as 200 meters (660 ft) to up to 2.5 kilometres (1.6 miles), into the Pakistani border area of Salala in the Baizai subdivision of Mohmand AgencyFATA at 2 a.m. local time, from across the border inAfghanistan and opened fire at two border patrol check-posts, killing up to 24 Pakistani soldiers and wounding 13 others. The two Pakistan Army check-posts were codenamed "Boulder" and "Volcano" respectively. This attack resulted in a deterioration of relations between Pakistan and the United States. The Pakistani public reacted with protests all over the country and the government took measures adversely affecting the US exit strategy from Afghanistan including the evacuation of Shamsi Airfield from where the US predator drones were operating and closure of the NATO supply line.

This ensued a tough diplomatic battle comprising more than half an year and ultimately resulted in a very diplomatic apology cum regret by the US over the incident as demanded by the Pakistanis. In fact the incident which was inquired by the US alone as the Pakistanis refused to take part in inquiry concluded the failure of communication and coordination as the primary reason of the incident. Although Pakistani govt does not accept this conclusion but within the security establishment there is a consensus that the conclusion by the US/NATO inquiry are true. The Pakistani Liaison Officers sitting at Afghanistan for the sole purpose of such like operational coordination gave the green light to this operation having faltered to earmark the GPS coordinates wrongly on their maps and didn't even bother to confirm the presence of their own troops from the Pakistan side or were not given enough time. In any case the blame for the precious loss of life is to be shared by both the sides equally. The Pakistani Military hierarchy seized the opportunity to fully blame the ISAF led by NATO and put their complete support to close their GLOC in order to save face and avoid the ongoing media trial after the discovery and operation against OBL from the Pakistani military town of Abbotabad and their sheer lack of responce to a foreign force operating deep within Pakistan and leaving supposedly unnoticed. The Military establishment were also under scrutiny about the presence of OBL in Pakistan living in their Premier Military Academy town. The Salala incident and the resultant responce gave them a breather undoubtedly. 

The reopening of US/NATO GLOC were a matter of extreme necessity for the the foreign forces as the other GLOC known as the western network was costing them more than 100 million US dollars per month as per the US secretary of Defence's official acknowledgment at Washington. The western network also heavily depende upon the Russians over a route which is best described as prehistoric and dangerously congested. the western network used the "Salang" tunnel as the critical passage which could be closed anytime by the weather or sabotage activity. Keeping this scenario in view the Pakistani leadership failed drastically once again by budging to the US pressure as expected while giving up on their demand of a substantial increase in the transit tariff. The valuable tariff could provide much needed relief to the the Pakistan's economy and  money for the social development programmes direly needed for the poor of that country in particular for the health,education reforms and providing essentials like clean drinking water and electricity. But as is the norm around the globe, the few at the top who are corruptible and takes the policy decisions best suiting their own vested interests become the pillars of the US global empires's desires. So is the case in Pakistan. the Pakistani public feels betrayed and played with once again irrespective of a government sponsored media campaign backed by the might of the US and her global embedded media. 

The US global empire could have agreed to increase the tariff in the shape of providing the much needed social reforms for the Pakistani poor by their already well established system of USAID in that country and present a win win situation for every one. But that socialistic non sense would be regarded as bullshit and crap talk by the managers of the Capitalist global empire. The arrogant behavior of the US in concurrence with her traditions will lead them to further trouble in the region. There are protests against the decision through out Pakistan. Four Terrorist attacks killing tens of security personals in last week or so alone in the aftermath in Pakistan. But this is not the problem of the US/NATO or the Pakistani rulers secured behind high walls of their fortresses typical for the third world leaders. 

Although the govt of Pakistan have announced comprehensive security for the NATO convoys but given the facts that the rugged route comprising almost thousand miles and the terrain which facilitates a hit and run ambush, the assurance of security for the convoy by the Pakistani Interior Minister is nothing but pep talk. Unlike Afghanistan, where the war lords, mostly the Talibans are paid for the security or lets say ransom for passage of these convoys there are no such groups in Pakistan. Once the convoy leave the port city of Karachi, they would become highly vulnerable to sabotage throughout the country up till Afghanistan. The political distrust resulting in the decision of reopening the GLOC on old terms would make it even easier for the militants to target these convoys. The ambush and attacks on these convoys will be even more sophisticated and severe than ever before. The truck owners despite the fact that they are being heavily paid and have insured trucks will be under intense pressure when their staff will become the casualty in these attacks. The owners will be directly targeted this time right up to their families and households for the lack of public sympathy towards their cause.

The US and her allies continues to ignore the ground realities much like they did so for example at the Vietnam or before the fall of the Shah at Iran. Turning a blind eye towards the very valid and legitimate public concerns in a client state and relying upon the flawed intelligence community of theirs is a tradition it seems at the US. But the same tradition, habit or error whatsoever one might call it always led to the disastrous consequence for the US global empire. They always recover sure by the heap of wealth accumulated by the liabilities of interests over the enforced debts to the poor of the world by their economic hit men backed by their military might but leave behind a legacy of human misery and tragedies from their errors. The human suffering continues and the ideals of freedom, democracy and the good way of life remains but a propaganda stunt by the mouthpieces of the managers of the Global Empire. My emphasis here is to re ascertain the basic flaws in the US global empire's policies where they can simply rule the situation in this particular case once again by adjusting a little in their approach towards the resolution of this conflict. 

If the US agrees to pay the tariff as per normal international transit rates directly to the public of Pakistan, it would win them the critical public support to their cause. The Pakistani society is far from the western media portrayed fundamentalist bunch as advocated by them but hard people living in a hard country. The Pakistanis are not at all out there to kill every US/western citizen as per the common perception in the west but have families around the globe in particular the western world whom they idealize. Pakistanis would love to befriend the US global empire and their citizens and serve their interests right provided the US global empire care for such a situation to be created beyond their limited perception leading to supposed arrogance as it might seem to any one. Let's accept the fact that there are no expert over payed consultants and so called highly acclaimed analysts who can exactly predict the ground realities of a particular country from sitting in their sky scrapper offices at the US and visiting the select few clients who provide them information about a country keeping their very own vested interests foremost. The US global empire needs to open up their hearts and minds in order to prevail which is surely their ultimate desire. By listening to the underprivileged in their client states will not hurt their interests a dime but win them a situation where the same will be served in accordance with their very own ideals. I know it's a tough ask from the managers of an Empire who care not for their own country mates what to talk about the their subjects but their own desires and dreams but by accepting to act like this in principle, they may lead the world to a destiny ordained upon the world by The Creator.                

Friday, 13 July 2012

Waiting For Divine Justice

Abdul karim is the name a fruit vendor who worked in the busy streets of Karachi, the chaotic port city of Pakistan. He belonged to a far off rural village of Sindh from where he escaped the wrath of the local landlord for not submitting to his ill desires of handing over his teen aged daughter to the Vadera( Land lord) of his village for his nefarious desires. Abdul is father of three daughters and a son who is youngest of them all. His eldest offspring is the same teen aged girl for whom he left his village to settle in the city. At karachi he managed his household by renting a shack alongside a main drain of the city while he started selling fruits on a rented vendor slot of a "thaikaydar" (contractor). He used to pay half of his net income which would amount to 600 rupees approx 6/7 US dollars per day to the "thaikaydar". Managing his household was a challenging ask in this meager income viz a viz his expenditures. Razia, his wife used to sew the local well off ladies clothes on a manual sewing machine in order to meet the gap of his husband's earnings and their very basic necessary expenditures which consisted of food and utilities. The shack they lived in lack running clean water for which their two elder daughters used to travel miles of distance to a nearby city government water filtration plant, where they wait for hours at times to fill their jerrycans. Life for their family goes on as that of many alike them in the shacks and shanty towns around the globe.

Ahmad is the son of a local businessman living at Clifton, Karachi's posh seaside residential estate. Ahmad's villa at the beach is manned by six household staff or as per the local jargon, servants including an armed guard at the gates.  He drives a SUV to his college and rides a horse in the evening at the beach with his friends. The weekend nights are filled with endless parties, girls and booze. His father is friends with the local politicians of the ruling party and the elite of the city, so there are no issues with consuming liquor or drugs while partying and having sex with girls for him in an otherwise Islamic Republic where an ordinary citizen can even be sentenced with death by stoning under the Shariah Law for such offences. But life is good for Ahmad as is the case with all alike him in Pakistan or any where in the world, in particular the third world countries, rampant with corruption. Law, Justice, Luxuries and everything else associated with the concept of good life, all are for sale in these parts of the world if you have the money to pay the price and connections to protect you desires and at times inconvenient crimes.  

On a sweaty hot and humid summer Friday evening, Abdul is returning home from work. He is carrying a sac of floor he desperately requires for his kids as they have not eaten "roti"(bread) for three days now. He was spending all his income on his little boy, who is suffering from heat stroke. So precious to him is this only son  in a society where females in particular of his class are persecuted and at times discriminated with ruthless attitudes. His son is the only hope he is left with for a life of solace in his latter years like all his mates on the roadside dreams. Due to the load on his back of the floor sac and bag of his son's medicines in his hand he is not much able to concentrate on his path. While crossing a main road intersection devoid of any pedestrian overhead bridge, an over speeding SUV hit him right in the middle. The SUV speeds away from the scene without even stopping for an inquiry or offering help. There lay Abdul in blood and whitish brown floor tuning bloody from the torn bag. Clutching in his hands were the medicines of his son, still intact. A crowd of on lookers is standing around him. Someone calls, "Edhi", The volunteer ambulance service. ( Largest in the world of it's kind private social service organization ). The ambulance arrives in a short time and picks up the unconscious Abdul. The sac of floor now completely red and torn lay on the road. Abdul was unconscious in the ambulance on it's way to the hospital, but still clutching upon the medicines in his hands. So strong are the feelings and desires for recovery of his beloved son in his very subconscious that he is not letting go of the medicines for his son.

The SUV after hitting the pedestrian rushes to the seaside estate of Clifton's elegant villa directly. The young teen aged driver is heavily drunk but knows where to reach in emergency as such for protection from the persecution of his crime he just committed. Lucky for him his father is at home having cocktails with his friend who happens to be the local Police Chief as well. his father had just bought the chief an his complete family a luxury vacation and shopping trip to Dubai. The teen aged driver approaches his father directly with the news of the incident. The teen aged boy who is no other but Ahmad as you have guessed by now is consoled by his father while he narrates the incident to his friend, the Police Chief and seeks, rather demand his unconditional help. The Chief explains to the filthy rich father and son the complexity of the issue as the city police liaison department, an organization headed by technocrats have got CCTV cameras installed in the complete city in particular the road junctions. The cameras he informed must have recorded the accident and the whole scene which can be traced back to Ahmad in an investigation.

Abdul had lost huge amount of blood as witnessed by the onlookers at the scene of the accident cum crime while the blood soaked  torn floor bag was telling the grave tale. The extreme loss of blood lead to Abdul karim's death as was reported by the doctors to the Police investigating Officer. The incident was indeed recorded by the CCTV and the SUV was traced back to Ahmad's father by late in the night. The Edhi ambulance when acquired Abdul's address from his wallet reached there with his dead body to his shack. Razia and the kids were worried sick by than due to delayed absence of Abdul. Abdul's son was also in no good shape with fever running in his body of 105 degree. The dead body played havoc with their hopes which were dying away with the light of the horizon. The funeral was taken over by "Edhi" volunteers while they also took Abdul's son to the Hospital Emergency. It seemed the angels were away or too busy for reasons only known to God for a divine intervention when Abdul'son, of whom medicines he died with while clutching them in his hands went to join his father in the afterlife too early. Razia and her daughters could not believe their agony. Few hours had tuned their lives up side down like a thunderbolt hitting them directly.

The police after tracing he SUV involved in the hit and run accident arrived late in the night at the posh clifton villa to be greeted by a strange but convenient situation for the owners. As is the case in the third world countries, there is always a solution for everything if you have the money in your wallet. The Police Chief suggested his friend to register the theft of Ahmad's SUV in an earlier time frame of the day. The illegal black tinted glass of the SUV won't prove Ahmad to be driving the SUV. In case of any witness of the crime, he/she can be either bought or taken care of by paid thugs available all over the city. Ahmad could be admitted in a private hospital for suffering from some unknown virus and proven to be in the hospital at the time of crime. As for the SUV, it would be parked at any far off location on the beach by Ahmad's father's driver/servant. If caught by the Police en route, this servant will confess to the crime himself. The issue can than be resolved by paying "Qasas" or blood money to the victim's family as per the law and few thousands rupees ( few hundred dollars) for this servant and all effected parties will do the trick for him to keep his mouth shut and stay in lockup for few days. This matter was exactly resolved in the same manner as advised and directed by the Police Chief who facilitated the process at each step. Even the driver of the SUV who went to park it got through unchecked and the SUV was recovered and handed back to the owners the very next day. How convenient. 

Ahmad's father was mad at his son's extravagant lifestyle coupled with his ill habits. He arranged for him to be admitted in a private college coming fall at London where he would complete an MBA in order to look after the family business in time. The decision was exactly as per the liking and expectations of Ahmad as common with his class of society. Started thus, a series of farewell parties for Ahmad by his friends and family. the whole accident scenario but became a bad memory for Ahmad and his dad who enforced upon Ahmad to take along a driver once he is too drunk to drive, silly boy.

Razia and her daughters are now living in a one room shack in the same locality as they can not afford their old shack after their father's death. There are days when they don't have enough to eat and are forced to divide a single roti among them taken with water. Razia has got the soul of a woman who is in habit to fight and live on against odds of worst nature. She is the type of third world urban warrior soul who suffers but rough it out day after day like many around her. She is strangely contended with even a life as drastic and poor as her's. She prays five time a day as per her Muslim faith and every time asks her "Allah" for better life for her daughters than her's, forgiveness for the soul of her husband, fortitude over the loss of his family but above all, for "Divine Justice" for her pain and suffering for those who are responsible. As "Waiting For Divine Justice" is the only hope for her kind and without hope, no one can live a life, not under any circumstances, least those of Razia's.        

Thursday, 12 July 2012

The Imprints of A Dead Man On South Asia

The influences of Chanakya (c. 350-283 BCE), who was a political architect and chief Minister  to the first Mayryan Emperor Chandargupta (c. 340-293 BCE), and architect of his rise to power are very well known to the history, political sciences and IR professionals and students. However, the effect of Chankya's works on the modern foreign policy of India in particular and her allies in general are only vaguely known to the outside world while it continues to guide The Indian policies in particular with respect to her immediate neighbors. Kautilya and Vishnugupta, the names by which the ancient Indian political treatise called the "Arthshashtra" identifies its author, are known to be the work of Chanakya. There is also a section of scholars who believe, Kautilya and Chankya to be two different individuals while the former in scripted the work of latter.Some historians consider Chanakya to be "the pioneer economist of the world which is a false claim considering the proven facts that the detailed economic policies in his books were the work of the great economist Ratan Lal Basu. Chankya is also known as "The Indian Machiavelli" in the Western world. Chanakya was a professor to begin with at Takshashila University (Present day Taxilla, at Punjab, Pakistan) and is widely believed to be responsible for the creation of Mauryan empire, the first of its kind on the Indian subcontinent.

In today's world the teachings of Chankya are still the strongest guiding principle and in fact a syllabus for the Indian Foreign service. The book Arthshastra and it's inspired works/translations are taught in the Indian Foreign Services Academy. It is very interesting to note as to how this prehistoric text still inspires the Indian diplomats and their policy makers to pursue their hegemonic designs in the complete South Asian region in order to create the once forgotten "Mauryan Empire" like destiny for the modern day India. To understand in the simplest terms as to what this article is indicating towards is to know the very basic of Chankya's teaching concerning the foreign policy of a state. Chankya taught to greet and subdue the neighboring countries on seven basic principles/strategies, which are:-
  1. Sanman – Appeasement, non-aggression pact
  2. Dana – Gift, bribery
  3. Danda – Strength, punishment
  4. Bheda – Divide, split, separating opposition
  5. Maya – Illusion, deceit
  6. Upeksha – Ignoring the enemy
  7. Indrajala – Faking military strength[

 All these strategies are directed towards creating the hegemony of the state upon thy neighbors. The current Indian policy analysis by any independent observer would confirm the application of these rules of business by India in the South Asian region. 

The most Secret of the teachings not commonly known by the world are the guiding principles as told by Chankya to his pupal i-e, if all the above mentioned seven strategies failed in subduing a neighboring country! than, go for creating the most cordial relations with thy neighbor's neighbor who defies your state's hegemony. Create clandestine operations at the defying neighbor targetting it's internal stability from particularly that neighboring country of their's. Break, divide and Rule. Hence we understand the never ending romance between India and Afghanistan for decades and resulted animosity deep down in modern Afghans towards Pakistan creating the domino when Pakistan actively supports the Pushtun hardliners and extremist like Talibans who are traditionally inclined towards Pakistan due to their divided tribes residing on both sides of the "Durand Line", i-e, International boarder between Afghanistan and Pakistan. It also explains the South Asian power dynamics with India as the major player in it's center following the whims of Chankya to this day. The Indian's state sponsored Tamil Tigers and their fall once studied in detail confirms the same guiding principles of Chankya towards Sri Lanka by the Indians. The subjugation of small countries like Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh by India in a manner best suiting her policies is an open secret while following the golden rules of Chankya. So strong are the influences of this dead man who was burned to death by his own disciple on the modern political sciences are that one of the pioneer Sociologist, philospher and political economist from Germany Maximilian Karl Emil "Max" Weber( 21 April 1864 – 14 June 1920) in his twentieth century classic text, "Politics as Vocation" notes,
Truly radical 'Machiavellianism', in the popular sense of that word, is classically expressed in Indian literature in the Arthasastra of Kautilya (written long before the birth of Christ, ostensibly in the time of Chandragupta): compared to it, Machiavelli’s The Prince is harmless."

No wonder the US Global Empire's sponsored think tanks and diplomatic top dogs in their newly found strategic partnership with India as a regional partner, hence a proposed counter weight to China in Asia are in love with Chankya. The effects of the dead man spreads the globe as a result. India continues to ignore the Kashmir issue resulting in the nuclear rat race in South Asia bringing it closer to doomsday scenario every time the hawks at both Indian and Pakistani sides try finger each other's internal territories. Unfortunately in the times of Chankya, the top weapon possessed by the state's military were the elephants of whose maintenance and use he wrote extensively. Keeping the blind faith of Indian establishment in the teachings of their political Guru, there are but very less chances of a stable and peaceful South Asia any time in near or far future. As Chankya elaborated very clearly in his own words, "A debt should be paid off till the last penny; An enemy should be destroyed without a trace".     

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

The Birth of a Terrorist

It was a fine September morning. The otherwise populated areas of Khyber Pass seemed deserted though. The most obvious reason was the curfew imposed to maintain the law and order situation in an area where anti government groups were defying the law of the land. The paramilitary forces were tasked to take them out in terrains that were rugged yet serene and beautiful. One of the state's paramilitary force convoys was out patrolling this militancy infested region of Pakistan. The commander of this force was himself heading the armed patrol consisting of several armed soldiers sitting in many vehicles. He was deeply critical of the Pakistani government's tactics inherited from their colonial past, which called upon him to destroy all tribes and their villages who sided with the miscreants. He was operating in his own country rather than an enemy's turf and this motivated him to exercise maximum constraint in order not to hurt the civilians. He was a proud fourth generation soldier coming from a long line of warriors and had a deep rooted connection with his troops who he used to love and lead from the front. The feeling was mutual like any good military outfit who adore their leader in battle. The commander had successfully completed six months of his uneventful tenure in the troubled terrains following a policy of avoiding unnecessary violence.  

The convoy was crossing a village where the commander saw an elderly man lying on the road side while couple of very young children were waving at the convoy to stop. The commander ordered the convoy to stop. However as soon as he dismounted from his command vehicle to his horror a sudden explosion knocked him off his feet. He later learnt that it was an Improvised Explosive Device  (IED). The explosion was followed by multidimensional fire ambush on his convoy. A perfect ambush.  The old man lying on the road side and the children ran towards the nearest house. It took a few moments for the commander to regain his senses and register what had just happened. He witnessed completely torn bodies of four of his personal squad and the head of his command vehicle's driver lying on the road side. He noticed that he was also bleeding from his forehead and arms. His state of shock was stopping him from crying out loud. Instead he started firing at the attackers with his Kalashnikov while standing right in the middle of the road. He began shouting out the most obscene profanities directed at the attackers in a bid to suppress the need to cry out loud. The pain and anguish were too much for him to bear silently. Bullets were flying and tearing past him but he stood there fueled by adrenaline, bleeding and on every occasion narrowly escaping the bullets targeted at him one way or the other. His troops were observing his insane bravery and recognized the danger he had thrust himself into. In a bid to save his life the troops regained control and pushed towards the attackers in a state of frenzy and hysteria. The attackers like any typical gorilla styled ambush broke contact and started escaping. The government troops were fearless provoked by the attack, fueled by their anger and led by a leader who had such lack of regard even for own life. Their bravery succeeded in capturing two attackers alive. The remaining ten to fifteen militants escaped the scene.

.Now was the moment of awkward awakening for the commander. On one side lay the dead comrades he loved so much and on the other side  two militants who were responsible for their deaths. The age old traditions of the Khyber Rifle's Pukhtoon troops demanded blood for blood. The commander was a man of principles yet followed traditions and now was the true test of his loyalties and morals after regaining some clarity on the situation. Time was short as the reinforcements were on their way along with the media and journalists and his men were demanding blood for blood. Suddenly the two young boys who stopped the convoy earlier appeared and began to beg mercy for their father who was one of the arrested militants. The troops searched the nearby house and found the old man as well who not surprisingly was the father of the arrested militant. The situation and the imminent decision that he had to make was becoming unbearable for the commander and was taking a toll on his already wounded and fragile state of being and mind. His men were desperate for blood and he needed to make the excruciating decision of consciously giving a life or death sentence to another human being. The tribesmen of the slain soldiers were in no mood to spare the militants lives and the distant sound of the reinforcement helicopters could be heard slowly getting louder. The two children were continuously crying, imploring for their father's life. " I should have died in the ambush" the commander thought. So distressing was that moment that he felt better off dead to be able to avoid the torment of making the decision. It was a battle between abiding by the traditions that were so rooted into his reality and his conscience. The faces of his own two sons suddenly flashed before him in his mind but the decision he had to make was based on being the father and leader of hundreds of his troops as well as those who believed in his leadership. These men were the ones who were ready to lay their lives down for him on one of his commands. They demanded nothing else but revenge for their fallen comrades. The sheer reality of the battlefield struck him hard at that very moment. The glory and the glamour all pushed to one side only to reveal the bitter reality of it all. This was what it all boiled down to, pain, destruction and death . His mind and heart were in constant battle but the decision had to be made.

The commander asked for the boys to be removed from the scene. They began screaming and crying while being forced to move away from the site. Everything around him felt surreal like a obscure dream. Despite the hysteria around him he took deep look at the unidentifiable dead bodies of his mates. He allowed the grief and anger he felt inside him to dictate his next action and turned around to fire a shot directly in the head of one of the militants. His principles and compassion still didn't let him shoot the father of the young boys. At that point the senior sergeant took over. The sergeant's anger and thirst for revenge was even more understandable as he was the cousin of one of the slain soldiers. He fired a burst of AK-47 in the chest of the second militant and his elderly father. At that very moment the commander collapsed. Was it due to the loss of blood caused by his wounds? or was it due to deeper wound that would leave more permanent scars on his soul? Only he knew the answer. At that point The reinforcements came and secured the scene. 

The commander was evacuated along with the killed soldiers. The helicopter rose creating noise and a small dust storm in its midst. He looked around and noticed the bodies of the three dead militants lying on the roadside while the two young boys were hysterically crying over their father and grandfather's dead bodies. Their screams pierced his ears and soul through the noise of the helicopter. The elder of the two boys looked up and saw him staring down at him. The commander looked into his eyes and recoiled in horror. The pain, hatred and disgust he saw inside them gave dawn to an epiphany inside him and he shuddered in fright. He had just witnessed the birth of a terrorist...


Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Hypocritical Global US Empire.

I am not much of a writer i confess. However my academic interests and my professional pursuits gave me an insight to the world of naked truths, hard consuming facts and the deceits which led to the formation of the Global Economic Empire known as the USA. By no means you can cast me as an anti western lunatic. I enjoy Hollywood movies and music. I loved to travel the UK, in particular London, an awe inspiring city i reckon. However, the hypocritical behavior through diabolical characters/agents of the US and it's cronies in Europe which created the modern US empire and maintains it are so obvious to a thinking mind that they simply can not be ignored. The cost at which this empire is created and maintained is alarmingly magnanimous in terms of human causalities both western and in rest of the globe.

My argument is not solely based on the atrocities of the current Empire on it's subjects as since ever, Empires ruled to plunder and extended their hegemonic domains. May it be the Romans, Ottomans or English empires, they established their influences by same economic/commercials exploits backed by ruthless military actions. So no complaints there, it's destiny and history, might is right is the name of the game of human races and their evolution.

 So what's exactly my problem here knowing fully well the rules of the game. Well to start with it's the hypocritical drama so profoundly being played by the western world in which they shamelessly pursue their illegitimate and legitimate goals around the world in the garb of spreading "free will and democracy". While they plunder the natural wealth of many poor nations through their economic hit men, jackals or assassins, think tanks,etc and rob this population of basic needs exchanged for modern world amenities best suited to their own hegemonic designs,  it is not the US or any western nation's public which benefits from this pilferage of their elite but a select group of individuals around the globe. It also serves the interests of the US foreign policy lobbied by the vested interests of certain groups having collective aspirations.

The difference created by this Empire between the have and have not or the rich and poor is so humongous that few swim in rivers of wealth while the majority of the world including the Empire's very own citizens drowns in the poverty, dirt and violence created by the greed and lust of the Empire's Elite few by the virtue of a system flawed in essence called "capitalism". While the Empire advocates and enforces this system by hook or by crook on the complete world it produces economic depressions, foul play, plundering for profiteering for corporate world and most of all a model of corruption in and around the global empire where the earlier talked about elite few nakedly plunder the wealth of the world while laughing at idiots like us for having the moral values we pretend to have. As in the capitalist dictionary, there is a price of everything or anyone. So goes on the Global empire's bastard children or the corporate world backed by their sister organizations like the World Bank, IMF, USAID, etc working together to fulfill their lust for resources and profits by entangling their subjects in the web of never ending debts.  

The so called professional think tanks and the embedded media of the empire not only fools their own citizens to mold their opinion as per the empire policy but magically make every hell hound working for them seem like an angel. The power of words and media is the new mind controlling gadget the Empire developed and uses to it's optimum efficiency. While it portrays any voice opposing it's policies as extremist or enemy none sence. 

If the above mentioned tactics to control a certain situation fails, there is always the option of singular assassinations of men and women of character defying the Empire's and their cronies desires. Failing this the option of sending the young of the Empire's military to kill and die is always present in the garb of at times imaginary WMDs and at times to spread their brand of democracy which more than often fails in these foreign lands.

Public relation stunts I agree are a compulsion for the managers of the Empire in the modern world, but it simply fails to answer the cries of innocent souls lost in the name of collateral damage. The arrogance of the Empire is it's right but than portraying itself as the good guys is an effort not fooling the world alone but it's own citizens as well.

So why the hell, knowing what i wrote, I am weening around. Well my demand I consider just enough from the managers of the Empire is to stop pretending all around the globe and declare a US Empire like the Nazis   if not like the English and save their Trillion dollar propaganda and PR budget which can be spent in the US and the world to eradicate all hunger, thirst and poverty. The UN estimates around 47 billion USD are required for providing clean drinking water, food, basic sanitation and education to the entire planet which it direly needs. The amount is half of what the US Empire spent on the Iraq war where they went in with Nefarious designs not hidden from anyone resulting in genocide and massacre.  

So come on guys cut the bullshit, declare the US global Empire and it's right to plunder on while restricting access to the homeland by the Empire's subjects whom it so dread. Have the courage to end this diabolical hypocritical rule and for once shed your cover created by the web of lies and money. Cut away the expensive PR stunts and feed your subjects by the same money around the world which will directly bring the Empire's clout all over the world in it's desired way without any objections, moral at least. 

Do it so I can also proudly write an article titled, "Long Live the Empire" instead of the current one.