
Thursday 2 June 2016

Global Banking System- The Greatest Deception Ever

The global banking ( GBS ) system controls the entire world's economy through an intricate system of paper and wire transactions guaranteed by the state banks of their respective country. The banking system itself banks on the illusion of financial security created by promises of the merger of governments and the global banking system which is essentially not entirely backed by materials like gold. The beauty of this illusion called the banking system is to make people believe and accept the transactions and sales based on the exchange of fancy papers and plastic. The complete world trusts the system to the extent that lives and livelihood are almost entirely dependent on an illusion. If the global population decides to call their bluff at any stage, the whole world's financial system will collapse. This unholy merger simply does not have enough material possessions, to back the pieces of paper that they call money, that they are circulating in the world. Similar to the famous dialogue by Al Pacino in the movie devil's advocate, "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world, he didn't exist"  the greatest trick the GBS ever pulled, was to convince the world, the value of money exists. To top it all off, the GBS within themselves also believe in the same lie they tell the world. The whole system is a facade which has seemingly no alternative in the modern world as we are led to believe. This fake system is based on its global acceptance by the masses who are made to believe this lie by the GBS. Upon this great deception stands the world financial system. This great deception is recreated every time this system fails and consequently re-booted through bailouts based on the same lies we are lead to believe in.

As previously mentioned, the biggest financial crisis of modern times may be easily explained. The US mortgage crisis for instance was a system failure of the same set of lie upon lies which eventually became too big and ugly to remain hidden under the carpet. However, the managers of this great deception, that is the GBS again got a bailout by their unholy partners, the state/government while the real losers were the hundreds of thousands of poor people who lost their homes and were forced out on to the streets. 

The most dangerous aspect of this great deception is the fact that essentially, the entire GBS is owned by a set of few families. These families hold the keys to the real power in the world based on the system they govern. Through this system, these families control the governments which in turn control their respective population. In essence these elite families rule the world, utilizing the which is in fact based on the greatest deception mankind has to ever live with. These thirteen or so families among themselves holds the reigns of the world based on a system of paper money. This system or deception as it really is stands to benefit the capitalist financial order, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

The GBS doesn't challenge the writ of these elite families by calling their bluff and demanding the value of paper money in totality, there is no end to the greatest deception man has ever lived. Having said that, an eventuality as such would definitely cause a global collapse of the deception based financial system. It would mean chaos, plunder, loot and bloodshed. 

The only way to reject the mentioned deception of the GBS is to substitute paper money with precious metals and commodities. It would return the speculative financial system governed by the banking sector into real materials which will be calculated on ground. This is the only method through which the manipulation of the entire world's economy can be stopped. It would end the concept of inflation which is the biggest cause of poverty in the world. It would take control of mankind's livelihood from the thirteen families and their pawns, and give it back to the working class through transparent and fair exchange of goods based on valuable materials for example gold and silver standard coins. It would  give a jolt to the GBS seeing as they don't possess the value of paper money that they guarantee. This means the banking cartels or the families controlling the banks would go bankrupt hence lose control of their hegemony on the global economic order. 

The entire system would have to be re-booted from scratch and brought back to life with a new set of rules and practices. Barter trade will have to replace the paper money wire transfers and electronic transactions. This system will increase productivity which would create enough jobs to employ the unskilled global population to end poverty in the world. It would enhance global food production helping eliminate hunger from the world. 

The world would be most definitely better off, rather flourish without the global banking system as it stands today. The default rule of the thirteen banking families would end over the world, promoting peace. The military industrial complex thriving on war is also governed by these family enterprises. The greatest deception the world ever suffered from, needs to end, if the human race requires peace and prosperity.   

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