
Sunday 21 December 2014

Wave of Terrorism In Islamic Countries-Background & Global Impact

While Pakistan is mourning the greatest ever massacre on its soil by the Taliban terrorists killing hundreds of school children in a daylight suicidal attack, 150 women were beheaded at Iraq by the Islamic State terrorist for not submitting to sexual slavery of their fighters. Irony is that while these gruesome incidents are not anything new under the fresh wave of blind violence and hatred being displayed by the Islamic Religious Extremist operating through their mercenaries in the greater Middle East. However, the intensity of this rage which now targets even women and children who were previously pardoned in these war within the Islamic countries is unprecedented. What allowed this change in attitudes towards these new heights of extremism? and how come the firebrand extremist Mullahs are getting away with selling this brand of intense hatred among the Muslim youth around the globe? is a question to ponder upon. The impact of this bloody trend may be far reaching and much beyond any calculated outcomes by the western world is my bet.

This new wave of terror, driving the Islamic extremist terror network run by independent yet interlinked groups in a modern world where communications are ever easier then before is a cause of disgust and surprise even to those conservative Muslims around the globe who sympathized earlier with the Jihadist causes. May it be Boko Haram in Nigeria, ISIS in Syria and Iraq, the Taliban in Pakistan or the various forms of this concept around the globe, this concept of ultra violent, inhuman and disgusting bloody attitudes is being sold and spread with impunity. Although its money which drives this mad machine but obtaining "ideological mercenaries" willing to blow themselves for a cause they believe in needs some solid grounds of motivation. It is definitely a "fallout" of something as sinister, as inhuman and as disgusting as this wave of Islamic extremist terror we are witnessing.

The reason for the surge in this Islamic extremist terrorism as per my understanding is largely due to a feeling of mistrust, suspicion and hatred towards the western world in general by the Muslims around the globe. The "capitalist greed" driven wars waged by the west on the Muslim countries staged by the western corporate-government alliance for "oil" and resources over false pretexts which were shamefully exposed (Iraq WMDs for example) led to the said feelings and emotions and rightly so. The western world realized the follies of their greedy corporate-government alliances and punished their public representatives in utilizing their respective democratic rights, however, it was too little too late with the damage being irreparable. Thousands of lost lives, millions of affected humans and a global tragedy as a result ignited the fire of hatred and revenge which was brewed for years. To top it all off, the west tried to sell their brand of democracy where it suited them to masses unfamiliar with the concept. They destroyed or tried to destroy the authoritarian Middle Eastern and African regimes but failed to install anything near their own brand of democracy as promised.

The western democracies tried introducing developed democratic ideals to the tribal societies still primitive in the developed world's concept of civilization and life styles. The result was the devastation which followed upsetting established welfare states and turning them into dust and blood as it stands today. The western script writers and their Middle Eastern partners initiating and fueling this complete mega cycle of events I am afraid knew the results, but choose to ignore as it was a perfect alibi for the western audience and their followers at Middle East. The western corporate-government alliance got what they came for at the political costs in their own countries but the Middle East was left torn and bleeding. The only states left intact are still monarchies and led by totalitarian regimes. So much for democracy at the Middle East. While the western public's intentions were honest and naive, their corporate business-government alliances used the same to sell the wars enforced on to Middle East in the name of freedom and justice led by the USA. They messed up big time, for this is the age of globalization where nationalities are merging and identities are in fusion. The Muslim world around the globe never got over this tragedy in essence. And this led the opportunist firebrand Mullahs to upbeat and sell their brand of horrific terror around the globe being unleashed by the Boko Harams, Talibans, ISIS or whatever religious fanatic names they have got misusing the very soul of Islam and its message of harmony and peace. Its like misusing the sincerity of the western public for freedom and democracy into selling them the wars in Middle East. The Mullahs are playing upon the same pure feelings of Muslims globally for fellow brethren Muslims suffering immensely in Middle East due to the aftermath of the western corporate-government waged wars.

This phenomenon is influencing the mosques of complete Muslim world including those in USA and Europe. Sensible Muslim clerics are trying hard to fight the undercurrents of Islamic extremist attitudes sold by wannabe Mullahs and the promises of sexual slaves and riches followed by heavens after death as a Jihadi. This distorted version of Islam has been made available to be sold due to reasons mentioned but the impact is not restricted to Middle East alone. A large number of fighters who jumped into this mess for the adrenaline rush are western nationals. Those out of them who realize the reality and want to return are either killed by the terrorist organizations they have joined or persecuted on return.

Intelligence services of regional powers with hegemonic designs or other vested interests are using these extremist terrorist forces for their own goals. These attitudes like the Indians financing Taliban targeting arch rivals Pakistan from Afghanistan in a war of hegemony and influence or vice versa is further strengthening these snakes which will ultimately "bite the hands which are feeding them". Its a cycle which began with the USA creating Afghan Jihad and selling the firebrand Islamist Jihadi agenda to the whole Muslim world in order to stop the Communist rise in the cold war. It worked superficially only to leave deep scars within these societies making them the breeding grounds for the terror being manifested today.

Anarchy might be the order of the day as the realist school of thought suggests as long as cooperation is being extracted. However if these issues are not addressed at grass root level and measures are not taken to heal these bleeding wounds, no counter terrorism strategy will work. There will be homegrown recruits available for these extremist elements till the time these issues are not acknowledged and addressed. The west needs to take onus and positively influence the future course of events which is an effort agreed but the magnitude of these efforts are required to broaden. Negative state level attitudes fueling these fires of hatred and extremism irrespective of religion and ethnicity need to be checked and curbed globally. Changing of diabolical attitudes and beliefs at all levels starting from the top is the only way forward if we want to prevail as humanity....                                                 

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