
Monday 19 October 2015

Global Game of Proxies-The New Cold War

The world we live in today has come of an age, where morality needs to be catered for by those in power and their pawns to satisfy the respective electorates/masses. Denial, counter accusations and falsifying facts through electronic media by systematic misinformation campaigns by states are the methods to achieve the stated goal of moral justification of their actions. The use of proxy forces enables the states to deny responsibility of any averse domestic or international public opinion. No matter how solid the proof of a state's sponsorship to any proxy exists, they can always declare such proof as conspiracy theories and dismiss them for their benefits. This ushers the era of hidden proxies commissioned to secure a state's open and underlying objectives. This also provided an opportunity to the mercenaries across the globe to make armed groups up for hire doing highly profitable business of spreading terror without accountability. The favourite ideology being exploited to create and emotionally fuel such proxies by their managers at large is the Islamic Jihadist theory. The theory is being utilized in its most distorted forms across the globe, in particular in the Middle East to run a business of blood and terror by the international ideological mercenaries. These groups are splinter outfits which forms the bigger terror apparatuses like the ISIS/Islamic State under the highest bidder commissioning them for their hidden agendas.

While it is apparent to the various national intelligence apparatuses as to who is working as a proxy for whom, it is also convenient enough for the state commissioning these proxies to deny their involvement at any time and abandon their proxy if things fall apart..

Media mouth pieces like Fareed Zikria and his clan are used by powerful states, in this case USA to spread misinformation like the said current affairs showman's recent piece accusing Pakistan of all the US failures in Afghanistan. Fareed Zakaria or anyone from the US sponsored media will always fail to tell their domestic audience that the Indian support to the Pakistani Taliban as their proxy has always been facilitated by the US. The USA desires to create India as a regional hegemony to counter the rise of China. This desire of the USA makes them blind to the proxy terror outfits India commissions against Pakistan which includes The Pakistani Taliban, Balouch Liberation Army, Balouch Liberation Front and even the funding of democratic militant party like the MQM in Karachi. How does the USA in it's right senses expect Pakistan to trust them in response. Pakistan supports the proxies like the Afghan Taliban in return while China fuels the Maoist insurgency in India. Russia supports the armed rebels in Ukraine under the same principles of this global game of proxies. None of the states mentioned above agree to the well known support they afford to their respective proxies.

The game is further complicated in the Middle Eastern theater with open and hidden proxies operating on the instruction of the USA, KSA and Arab monarchies, Turkey and Iran and Russia. The list to who supports whom and denies to support which groups is long and tedious. Every one is striving for influence in the oil rich region with the US fast loosing grounds after futile trillion dollar wars in Iraq in particular. Russia and Mr Putin is the new king on the ground in the Middle East whether the US likes it or not.

Afghanistan was never about democracy or a war on terror to begin with as the neutral observers note. It was always a Geo-strategic maneuver by the US to deploy forces in the very backyard of Russia and China. Afghanistan is the gateway to the energy rich Central Asian Republics but not without Pakistan which affords Afghanistan the access to seas being a land locked country. The only other access Afghanistan has is through a much lengthier route through Iran.

While the US and her allies in the "global game of proxies" are spending fortunes supporting groups like the rag tag Afghan Northern Alliance war lords or proxies in Syria opposed to the Assad regime, Russia nullified these humongous investments through one swift blow. This proves that if a state openly confronts these proxy mercenary outfits, only a few of these globally have the capability to survive. The said survival is essentially based on the geographic and terrain configurations of their dispositions. Afghan Taliban continues to thrive irrespective of the US Armed Forces open assault against them. This is due to the close geographical support from neighbouring states like China and Pakistan and also part due to the mountainous terrain giving them excellent cover and hideouts for men and material. The East it seems is winning the "Global Game of Proxies" so far.

The situation in this war of proxies is highly unfavourable for the US camp as the US corporate greed bogged their government down in the "Oil Wars" which essentially benefited the corporations at the cost of US monetary deficits and loss of US servicemen's lives in the thousands. It only matters to the US domestic audience for what their government is selling them to believe, however it's clear as crystal to the outside world. The USA has fallen from grace and fallen hard. The Russia-China camp is thriving and winning key alliances of key states which really matter in this global tussle. Pakistan has pledged direct allegiances to China hence partly enters the Russian camp. The Arab monarchies are fast loosing clout owing to domestic conditions not favouring their rules while global oil prices have introduced the term of budget deficits to them. The UK in an unprecedented move have joined the Chinese economic camp which will ultimately force them to support Chinese rise in the Asia Pacific much to their American cousins dismay. Things are not looking good for US who is placing all their bets on India to steer their objectives in Asia pacific. India on the other hand is being led by a psychotic leader Mr Modi who thrives on religious extremism. All the US based western financial institutions are making India look like an up and coming economic powerhouse of Asia, but the institutions in Asia who control the actual money do not buy the rubbish their western counterparts are selling regarding India. India has thousands of miles to travel just to rival China and her influence in Asia and only Pakistan with her nuclear arsenal is enough to keep the Indian hegemonic designs supported now by the USA at bay.

The USA's key allies in the Middle East being KSA and other small Arab monarchies are holding on to power in their sand castles which won't hold if full blown averse winds start blowing from the aggressive posturing by Mr Putin which will ultimately be supported by China and her allies. The only credible Muslim Military is unwilling to support or act as a proxy of the Arab monarchies as displayed by the popular slap of refusal to send Pakistani Military by the Pakistani Parliament to fight the war in Yemen at the Arab's insistence. If the Arabs think the Indian or any other western military like the US will come and fight their wars, then they must consider the internal instability they would face by such actions allowing the forces that are considered infidel by their indigenous populations. As for fighting their wars themselves, the Arabs need decades of military training and competence to achieve the minimum desired level in using the expensive war toys they bought from the west/US. The Arab rulers know this well enough and therefore support proxies extensively to fight their war of influence in the Middle East essentially fought versus Iran.

Iran is a success story in this "Global Game of Proxies". Even though they used minimum money they have achieved maximum influence through ideology to support their proxies. Iran provides moral, material and personal support to its proxies like "Hizbullah" for example. Iranian proxies enforced through ideology and controlled through Iranian military personal in their midst are very different then the Sunni ideological proxies. Like the latter, the Iranian proxies are not up for sale to the highest bidder but operates like an institution with solid organization and discipline. All other proxy setups in the globe lack the resolve and sustenance of the Iranian proxies. Iran is already in the Russian camp in a conflict of influence between US camp and Russo-Chinese camp, may you call it the new cold war or The Global Game of Proxies.

The future of the global economic powerhouse depends upon who controls the Asia pacific as the next century belongs to the same power who is able to do so. The USA acknowledges the same and in coalition with her allies is playing the New Cold War or The Global Game of Proxies to maintain their uni-polar status in the world. However, the US economy can not afford her grand desires. Key US allies are forging their independent economic alliances with China. Regional organizations like "SCO" and economic institutions like "AIIB"(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) are shaping the future of Asia pacific under the Russo-Chinese designs. The US and her subordinates like India will either follow suit or suffer in silence ultimately. This is a war of superior politics and the traditional ideological alliance of Russia and China is winning it discretely with the support of many small but potent allies and proxies as such. To conclude, in the words of the great Chinese philosopher statesman Mao Zedong:-
                     "Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed"                         


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